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Inclusive and Sustainable Territorial Governance for Food Security

The ILC Global Land Forum 2013 is taking place in Guatemala, a country that experienced radical transformation of its agricultural sector and rural landscape in recent past. After a 36-year civil war, Guatemala remains one of the poorest countries in Latin America, with over half of rural people and nearly two-thirds of indigenous peoples living in poverty. The focus of the Forum is on territoriality, which brings together power, society and space.

Affordable housing: SA role players urged to develop mechanisms to extend formal market and improve affordability at lower end

Although capital growth in South Africa's residential property market has slowed down in recent years, demand for residential property has remained strong at the lower end of the market. This has been driven by a shortage of housing and growing disposable income in less affluent households.


International Land Coalition Facility Supports Innovative and High Impact Interventions

The International Land Coalition announces a new initiative called the Facility in Support of Innovative and High Impact Targeted Interventions on the ground (FTI). This facility builds on the experience gained through a previous programme, ILCs Community Empowerment Facility (CEF), ‘which supported 52 small projects led by civil society organizations to apply innovative approaches that help the rural poor gain access to and control over land and other natural resources (for a total amount of USD3.5 million during the 1999-2009 period.

Precedent setting Rights of Nature case in Ecuador

The Condor Highland in South-eastern Ecuadorian Amazon, which is abundant in biodiversity and life, is threatened by copper mining. The open pit mine - Mirador - is the first of a potential 6 mines which has been granted a license even though socio-environmental studies show irreversible impacts on biodiversity and water.

If the mine goes ahead the present and future generations will inherit toxic rivers, extinct wildlife, degraded Sacred Natural Sites, and a destroyed culture and spirituality of indigenous peoples who have been living in the territory for thousands of years. 

Land Matrix partnership launches second phase of its Global Observatory on large scale land acquisitions

Bern/Hamburg/Montpellier/Rome (10 June 2013) The Land Matrix partnership today launches the second phase of the Global Observatory on large scale land acquisitions. The Land Matrix Global Observatory is a tool that promotes transparency in land transactions and supports open data and open source communities focused on land deals. The thoroughly updated dataset allows tracking of large scale land acquisitions, from negotiation to implementation.

Preview of the new Observatory interface

June 19, 2013

We're working hard to finalize a user-friendly interface for the Land Observatory software, which users in at least five countries are eagerly awaiting.

Our anticipated release date for this will now be by mid-July, and we'll be contacting users to help us test it and get your feedback.

In the meantime, imagine being able to map land deals here:



And being able to filter for data here


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