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Uncovering the veiled realities of rural women: a widow’s struggle for land in Amhara Region

30 May 2023
With the financial support of GIZ, the Organization for Rehabilitation and Development in Amhara (ORDA) in collaboration with Welthungerhilfe (WHH) has been implementing the Land for Life Amhara Multi-Actor Partnership (MAP) project. The Land for Life Amhara MAP is a coalition of various stakeholders including government, civil society organizations, universities, research institutions and other actors. It aims to provide policy advocacy for a transparent and fair land use and management system, securing user rights and to ensure responsible agricultural investment.

Enhancing agricultural land governance: Training the youth to solve disputes around land-based investments

26 May 2023
The GIZ Support to Responsible Agricultural Investment (S2RAI) project initiated a 3-years training on land registration and cadastral surveying for over 45 students from Gambella region at the Assosa Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education Training Center (AATVET) of the neighboring region of Benishangul-Gumuz.

The regional implications of the Eritrean refugee crisis and conflict in the Sudan

23 May 2023
Al Jazeera reports on how Eritrean refugees are caught between crisis at home and conflict in the Sudan where there are 126,000 refugees, 11% of the estimated 1.1 million refugees in the country. For more information on Eritrea see also the Land Portal country profile. Conflict and displacement have major implications for land rights and governance.  


The persistence of land and tenure related conflicts in Uganda reflects colonial social policies which promoted division and cemented inequality. Uganda is at the heart of the conflicted Great Lakes region and for some years the country


Panama's geography has endowed the country with the ability to connect the world by both land and sea. By land, Panama's 75,517 km2 connect South America with Central America through its borders to the east with Colombia and to the west

Regional webinars on integrating land tenure into restoration initiatives

14 May 2023 - 16 May 2023

These webinars aim to raise awareness on the value of tenure security and its contribution to biodiversity conservation, sustainable land management, ecosystem restoration, and climate change mitigation and adaptation while improving food security and local livelihoods.

United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
Global Land Tool Network
Land Portal Foundation
International Land Coalition
TMG-ThinkTank for Sustainability
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Landesa - Rural Development Institute
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