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New press release about Jan Satyagraha: It seems that the Indian Government is ready to sign an agreement today in Agra

After eight days on the road, the Jan Satyagraha reached Agra yesterday. On the way into the city, the marchers were joined by the Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, who promised his government’s support to homestead land and greater access to forest rights. Negotiations with the central government are likely to lead to an agreement on the 11th of October, which is to be presented to the marchers in Agra by the Minister of Rural Development. A formal signing between the Government of India and the Jan Satyagraha will follow. See the attached press release for more details.

Indigenous Farmer Murdered in Santiago del Estero

Miguel Galván, 40, an indigenous farmer and member of the Lule Vilela tribe, was stabbed to death yesterday afternoon in his home in Monte Quemado, Santiago del Estero. Galván was a member of the of Mocase-VC (Small Farm Movement of Santiago del Estero-Farmer’s Way), a social organisation dedicated to protecting indigenous land rights. Mocase-VC claims that assassins hired by a large agricultural corporation from nearby Salta are responsible. No one has yet been charged.

South Africa: Cape Town Launches its biggest housing project

Cape Town — The City of Cape Town on Thursday launched its biggest housing project to date - the On The Vlei (Market Housing) & New Horizons (GAP Housing) in Pelican Park. A total of 3 200 houses will be built for different income groups by Power Construction (Pty) Ltd on the 80 ha site. The project will help the province make a dent in its housing waiting list, which Western Cape Premier Helen Zille said was 500 000-strong.


Call for Governance Proposals- 'Triangulating Property Rights: Governing Access to Essential Goods'

The Center on Global Legal Transformation at Columbia University is launching a call for proposals by junior researchers on governing scarce, essential goods. The research project is coordinated by Prof. Katharina Pistor, the Director of the Center on Global Legal Transformation, and Prof. Olivier De Schutter, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the right to food.

Grounds for Hope

After the historical signature of agreements as a result of the Jan Satyagraha March in India, lots of press articles came out at global level. This is a great sign of hope and results, although we need to stay cautious and keep the pressure on. More information in the article below.

Women and Farmland for Food Security

[via Daily Observer/AllAfrica] Ganjul, October 16, 2012- Women's fundamental contributions in their households, food production systems and national economies are increasingly acknowledged, within Africa and by the international community. This is due, in no small part, to women's own energetic efforts to organise, articulate their concerns and make their voices heard. At both grassroots and national levels, more women's associations have been formed, taking advantage of the new political openings to assert their leadership roles.

Rural women’s land rights key to food security says press release from Philippine Commission on Women

[via the Office of the President of the Philippines] October 15, 2012- “Report to us immediately if any of you still hold titles that don’t give equal co-ownership of the lands you till. Inform us if there are issues that we should address,” Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) Chairperson Remedios Ignacio-Rikken said during the forum on the land rights of marginalized women in celebration of the annual International Rural Women’s Day (October 15).

East Africa: Urban Housing Crisis, a Huge Investment Opportunity

All five countries in the East African Community (EAC) are living with huge urban housing deficits that need to be sorted as soon as possible. It's a problem for urban planners and governments yet at the same time, presents huge investment opportunities for property developers.If investors grab the opportunity, banks will sell mortgage products, but government intervention is needed in the form of public-private partnerships to make this possible.

Observatory brochures in English, Spanish and French

November 12, 2012

Please find below the Land Observatory leaflet in English, French and Spanish for sharing with partners and interested individuals and groups.

S'il vous plaît trouver ci-dessous la brochure Observatoire du Foncier en anglais, français et espagnol pour les partager avec les partenaires et les 

Abajo encontrará el folleto Observatorio de la Tierra en Inglés, francés y español para compartir con los contrapartes y las personas y grupos interesados.

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