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Land and Natural Resources Rights and Reforms in Sudan

Land rights are an essential human right, especially in a large country like Sudan, where the majority of the people gain their livelihood from the land. In addition violation of people's right land and natural resources by successive governments have been instrumental in the outbreak of wars and conflicts, so a comprehensive and far-reaching settlement of these issues is essential if Sudan is to achieve peace and sustainable human development.

Samburu residents protest alleged land grabbing by a private developer - Kenya

Residents in Loosuk Samburu County held demonstrations over a piece of land stretching for one kilometer that they claim is being grabbed by a private investor. they claimed that the land is ancestral and they had inherited it rightfully pointing out that the private investor had bribed his way into owning the land. the residents further sent out a stern warning to the county government’s officials in charge of land that they will take matters into their own hands should the they fail to respond to their complaints.

Raising awareness of land rights necessary for rural Namibians

To-date, Namibia is one of the few African countries with a progressive legal and institutional framework governing natural resources and land. The Communal Land Reform Act 5 of 2002 (CLRA) defines the roles and responsibilities of the actors involved, from a national level to the regional/local level. The functions and powers of the Communal Land Boards (CLBs) and the Traditional Authorities (TAs) follow a system of checks and balances: TAs still have the primary power to allocate customary land rights.

Land shortages deepen ethnic cycle of poverty - Vietnam

VietNamNet Bridge – Lack of land and few opportunities to work in non-farm jobs are pushing many ethnic families deeper into poverty.

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This was stated at an annual policy forum on ethnic development in mountainous areas.

The forum discussed the direction of poverty-reduction policies for the next five years.

It was co-chaired by the National Assembly's Ethnic Council and the Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs, in collaboration with the Embassy of Ireland and the United Nations in Viet Nam.

Land rights tampering ‘not an ANC issue’ - South Africa

Rural Development and Land Reform Minister Gugile Nkwinti. Picture: TREVOR SAMSON

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Nkwinti has given the clearest indication yet that the government will not tamper with the constitutional provisions of fair and equitable compensation for properties earmarked for land reform.

In heated public debates over the past two years, critics of the government’s drive to speed up land and restitutional reform have frequently resorted to the bogeyman of expropriation without compensation to underscore their opposition to it.

A land of rich pickings - Zambia

Chinese farms in Zambia are relatively smaller than those run by other farmers, but the number and the scale are growing. Zhang Wei / China Daily

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The first time the bandits came, Si Su's wife was home alone. She locked herself in the house and managed to scare them off with a warning shot through the front door.

The couple bought guard dogs to prowl their 80-hectare farm at night. They also put up an iron gate, but that was not enough.

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