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Women and Land Zimbabwe - empowering women as farmers

(...) "When time to sell produce came, he would pocket all the money alone. When I  asked for my share, he would tell me it was his land and I must just continue working. He would say, “you are my property, I own you like a piece of furniture in my house.”
Theresa Marwei shared this story during the Gender Equality Conference organised by the Swedish Co-operative Centre (SCC) under the theme 50/50 is Just Right. The conference was held at Lusaka’s Crest Golfview Hotel recently and drew participants from Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Zambia. (...)

Canadian Government struggles with its First Nations around land bills

(...) On October 22, 2011 when Aboriginal Affairs Minister John Duncan announced changes to legislation those moves were countered by AFN Chief Shawn Atleo. “We all agree we need to move away from the Indian Act, but any efforts must be led by First Nations and done with First Nations, not for First Nations. Moving beyond the Indian Act is about ending unilateral approaches by government and supporting and empowering First Nation governments to drive solutions in ways that respect and implement their rights, responsibilities and decision-making.

Indian land bill will be no remedy for land conflicts

Indian land bill no remedy for conflict: activists

(AFP) – 4 hours ago  

NEW DELHI — India's land acquisition bill which the Congress-led government hopes to pass this week will only set the stage for more conflict, land rights groups said on Tuesday.

The government aims to present the bill in parliament after the cabinet approved the measure, which is seen as a crucial reform to increase infrastructure development and spur slowing economic growth.


This is the second Bulletin from the learning initiative: Making Rangelands Secure.  The initiative is led by ILC, with partners IFAD, Procasur, RECONCILE and WISP (World Initiative for Sustainable Pastoralism). The Initiative seeks to identify and communicate good practice on making rangelands secure for local rangeland users. This is becoming increasingly challenging as different actors compete for land and resources, and new pressures grow.

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