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How is the land situation in...

Here you can learn about the land governance context in various countries. Besides a comprehensive description, you will find links to publications, news, blogs and more related resources. The country portfolios are developed by a team of researchers and peer-reviewed by highly experienced land specialists in each country.

Latest country portfolios


Uruguay is one of the smallest countries in South America and is unofficially defined as the only one without a native indigenous population. Two phenomena have characterized land governance in Uruguay: the concentration of land in the


Egypt’s total land area is 995,450 km2 while most of the population lives on less than 5% of the land. Only 3.6% of the land is arable and the remaining 96.4% is dominated by a vast desert plateau. By 2030, Egypt’s growing population


With a surface area of 56,790 km², Togo is one of the smallest countries on the African continent. Although land legislation is still influenced by the colonial legacy, one of the distinctive features of the Togolese system is the


In the indigenous Náhualt language, Guatemala means land of many trees. Today, the country retains its predominantly rural character, occupying most of its 108,888 km2 . Located in Central America, it borders Mexico, Belize, Honduras

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Authors of the latest countries' portfolios

Amanda Martínez Elvir
Martínez Elvir
Anne Hennings
Daniel Hayward
Marie Gagne
Nieves Zúñiga
Rick de Satgé
de Satgé