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Zimbabwe's urban housing crisis

HARARE, 8 March 2013 (IRIN) - With rural-to-urban migration increasing in Zimbabwe and urban squatter camps growing, the shortage of affordable public housing has become a contentious issue.
According to the Ministry of National Housing and Special Amenities, there are approximately 1.2 million people on the government's national housing waiting list, although the exact figure is not known because most local authorities do not collect the necessary data.

South Africa: Squeeze on finance for affordable housing

THE deteriorating creditworthiness and affordability among South Africans has affected the appetite for advance loans for affordable houses, according to Nedbank’s affordable-housing head Jeff Lawrence. Among the worst affected were those earning between R3,501 and R15,000; they have been falling through the cracks when it comes to qualifying for mortgage finance.

Tanzania Lobby Wants Land Grabbers Stopped

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

A programme manager with ActionAid, Mr Bernard Baha, has called on Tanzanians to unite in stopping greedy foreign investors from grabbing poor farmers and livestock keepers’ land.

Speaking during the commemoration of the World Land Day in the city at the weekend, Mr Baha, whose NGO deals with governance, rights, health and education issues, said that most land conflicts reported in the country were linked to allocation of land, especially to foreign investors.

Nigeria: 'Inequal Land Rights Aggravates Women's Status'

"The impact of the inequality in lands rights has aggravated women's socio-economic status, allowed for sexual harassment and violence against women and contributed towards marital instability, separation and divorce. (...) Achakpa said, "In spite of the Nigerian Land Use Act (LUA) of 1978, which restructured the property rights system in the country from mixed private property rights system in a collectivist framework, concerns about women's land rights persist." (...)"

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Canada has nothing to gain, much to lose by ignoring land rights of indigenous peoples

"Community hearings into the proposed Northern Gateway Pipeline wrap up this week in Vancouver. As an international human rights organization with strong roots in communities across Canada, Amnesty International wanted to be part of this process to emphasize that whatever the mandate of this specific review, all decisions affecting the lands of indigenous peoples must uphold domestic and international protections for their rights.

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