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Politics of investment in large scale agricultural ventures

Tanzania has always been a country on the spotlight over cases of land grabbing for various uses. Over the recent past there has been a lot of information in both print and electronic media of land being taken for various investment purposes.

Little is known to the public of the deals the government is entering with these foreign investment companies that are eyeing Tanzania as a destination in agricultural investment.

Paraguay's Federation for the Self-Determination of Indigenous Peoples (FAPI) releases statement on the current political and social situation in Paraguay

FAPI Statement on the current political and social situation in Paraguay

Following the dismissal of President Fernando Lugo through an abrupt and traumatic process for all of us, and given the present political situation in Paraguay, FAPI, a body that unites several indigenous peoples’ organisations of the western and eastern regions of the country, wishes to inform the national and international communities that:

Caro land grabber

Mentre a Londra apre l'Agricultural Investment Summit, oltre 60 organizzazioni della società civile diffondono una dichiarazione congiunta per chiedere ai Governi e agli organismi finanziari di mettere fine alle speculazioni sulla terra

A global Land Observatory

August 1, 2012

In recent months, 192 people in five countries have participated in workshops sponsored by Land Observatory, project of the International Land Coalition and the University of Bern's Center for Development and Environment. In late June, the Land Observatory completed its fifth and final inception workshop in Peru.

Article in the Times of India : can more money be a compensation to the acquisition of rural land?

An interesting article published on July 13th 2012 in the Times of India about the land acquisition bill. It seems that the indian government can not get beyond money and compensation when it comes to land-acquisition. This leaves out the fact that land provides dignity, identity, and status to the people. It provides sustenance security not just for the person from whom they acquire land but for several generations. How do they plan to put a monetary value on identity, status, culture and security ?

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