Kemiskinan dan desentralisasi di Kutai Barat: dampak otonomi daerah terhadap kesejahteraan Dayak Benuaq
Laporan penelitian ini menyajikan hasil penelitian lapangan yang dilakukan di Kutai Barat, Kalimantan Timur sebagai bagian dari proyek Menjadikan Pemerintah Daerah Lebih Tanggap Terhadap Kemiskinan: Pengembangan Indikator dan Alat untuk Mendukung Pengembangan Penghidupan yang Berkelanjutan dalam Desentralisasi yang didanai CIFORBMZ. Laporan menunjukkan bahwa dampak otonomi daerah terhadap kesejahteraan Dayak Benuaq, masyarakat yang bergantung pada hutan, kelompok mayoritas masyarakat di Kutai Barat.
IWRM [Integrated Water Resources Management] in Uganda - progress after decades of implementation
Uganda lies almost wholly within the Nile Basin and is a country characterised as well-endowed with water resources. Receiving considerable inflows of aid since the early 1990s, some of this aid emerging after the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro enabled the country to begin a process of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), taking the lead from Chapter 18 of Agenda 21.
Ketergantungan masyarakat Dayak terhadap hutan di sekitar Taman Nasional Kayan Mentarang
In Indonesia, rapid deforestation is affecting local populations’ access to forest, yet little information is available about the impacts of deforestation on highly forest-dependent populations. To better understand these potential impacts, this document reports on economic and cultural uses of the forest for three villages in the Sub-District of Pujungan in East Kalimantan, using data from household suveys conducted in 1996.
Jatropha oil ? an alternative to kerosene
A simple lantern than runs on home-grown oil
It takes time
A training officer describes a training programme for organic farmers, including the methods that they learn, and their attempts to obtain certification.
Ketergantungan, persepsi dan partisipasi masyarakat terhadap sumberdaya hayati hutan: studi kasus di dusun Pampli kabupaten Luwu utara, Sulawesi selatan
Joint venture schemes in Limpopo Province and their outcomes on smallholder farmers livelihoods
Joint Venture schemes based on the floppy irrigation technology are being promoted in the post-Apartheid South Africa's Limpopo Province. Access to land and water resources in South Africa are largely viewed as a mechanism for re-dressing the Apartheid injustices. This research was part of a broader applied research to help inform irrigation practise in the Limpopo Province. The research used literature review, key informant interviews and a questionnaire survey. The overall research question sought to understand how the Joint Venture Schemes had benefited the smallholder farmers.
ITTO project PD 12/97 Rev.1 (F): forest, science and sustainability: the Bulungan model forest: technical report phase I, 1997-2001
CIFOR's research in the Bulungan Model Forest in Malinau, East Kalimantan, Indonesia took the form of a 3-year investigation into ways of achieving forest sustainability in a large forest landscape with diverse, rapidly changing and conflicting uses. The study reported in this book highligts the complexity of the challenge while also clarifying the key aspects.