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Adaptation and mitigation strategies; climate change and public infrastructures

Conference Papers & Reports
October, 2021
Sierra Leone

This paper focuses on mitigating strategies public infrastructures. It's comprises of fours (4) parts. The first part is the background/introduction that gives a comprehensive summary of the topic. The second part highlight experimental evidences from recent literature articles and publications on mitigating strategies and public infrastructures with special emphasis on public infrastructure exposure and vulnerability and the role of adaptive capacity in mitigating the impact of climate change on public infrastructures.

Rangelands and pastoralism of the Middle-East and North Africa, from reality to dream

December, 2021

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is a vast area covering 20 countries from western Asia to North Africa, with nearly 9,000,000 Km2 and 303 million hectares of total rangelands. Rangelands play an essential role in supporting people’s livelihoods and food security. Mobile pastoralism is the most viable and resilient form of production and land use in the fragile drylands of MENA. However, the region’s governments have considered nomadic pastoralism backwards mainly because it was challenging to deliver mobile services.

Learning to increase community legal literacy on land rights and natural resource management in Mozambique

Reports & Research
September, 2024

Centro Terra Viva (CTV) has extensive experience in actions aimed at promoting the defence of communities' rights to land and other natural resources, namely monitoring environmental licensing processes for land-based investments (extractive industry), accompanying resettlement processes, public and community consultations, research and studies in the context of biodiversity protection and conservation, particularly in the areas of conservation, legal assistance and advice, including training programmes.

Manuel de mise en oeuvre - Plans d’aménagement simplifiés et conventions locales sur la tenure de l’eau à Madagascar

Manuals & Guidelines
December, 2023

Les plans d’aménagement simplifiés et les conventions locales sont des approches communautaires et paysagères qui permettent d’oeuvrer sur la tenure de l’eau de manière holistique. Ces approches ont été conçues, testées et analysées par la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH pour le compte du Ministère Fédéral de la Coopération Economique et du Développement (BMZ) au sein du Projet global de la promotion d’une politique foncière responsable (ProPFR) et du module pays Madagascar.

Fiche info - Plans d’aménagement simplifies et conventions locales à Madagascar

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2023

Les plans d’aménagement simplifiés et les conventions locales sont des approches communautaires et paysagères qui permettent d’oeuvrer sur la tenure de l’eau de manière holistique. Ces approches ont été conçues, testées et analysées par la Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH pour le compte du Ministère Fédéral de la Coopération Economique et du Développement (BMZ) au sein du Projet global de la promotion d’une politique foncière responsable (ProPFR) et du module pays Madagascar.


Factsheet - Preparation for sustainable forest resource management on communal land at Lake Chamo watershed

Policy Papers & Briefs
December, 2023
Eastern Africa

As part of the Global Programme for Responsible Land Policy (GPRLP), a model for communal land management in the landscape of the Lake Chamo watershed in Southern Ethiopia was designed, tested and analysed by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, together with the project Forest Landscape Restoration and Good Governance in the Forest Sector (Forests4Future), on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

Implementation manual - Preparation for sustainable forest resource management on communal land at Lake Chamo watershed

Manuals & Guidelines
November, 2023
Eastern Africa

The Global Programme “Responsible Land Policy” (GPRLP) is part of the BMZ Special Initiative "Transformation of Agricultural and Food Systems" which aims to reduce extreme poverty and hunger. The GPRLP is implemented by GIZ and has nine country components. Among these, Ethiopia faces a pressing issue with its natural forest landscapes, which have been steadily disappearing. In the early 20th century, forests covered approximately 40% of the country's land, but today, that figure has dwindled to around 4%.