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UN expert calls for guidelines to protect vulnerable people against 'land grabs'

Olivier De Schutter, UN special rapporteur on the right to food, calls for consensus before talks this month on land governance, as commercial pressures mount. Governments should be wary of speculation and concentration of ownership when land rights are transferred to investors to "develop" farmland, a UN expert has warned before key UN negotiations on land governance.

REDD+ project pioneers FPIC in Sayabouri Province, Laos

Villagers around the Nam Phui NPA will become the first in Laos to formally give consent on whether or not to participate in a REDD+ project. Representatives from GIZ and LBA clarify the why, who and how behind Laos’ pioneer FPIC (Free, Prior and Informed Consent) process while Mr. Oupakone Alounsavath from the Department of Forestry outlines government motivations and plans for FPIC.

Alternative Nobels to US, Spain, Chad, China

STOCKHOLM (AP) — Solar power technology and efforts to protect the rights of birthing mothers, victims of dictatorship and farming communities were rewarded Thursday with the Right Livelihood Awards, sometimes referred to as the alternative Nobel prizes.

Human rights activist Jacqueline Moudeina of Chad; Spanish-based nonprofit GRAIN; and American midwifery educator Ina May Gaskin will share the euro150,000 ($205,000) cash award.

Chinese solar power pioneer Huang Ming receives an honorary award for developing "cutting-edge technologies."

The World Bank is looking for a LGAF global coordinator

The World Bank is looking for a global coordinator to support the implementation of land governance assessments in new countries and the follow up on existing ones. The latter would include to ensure piloting and eventual scaling up of innovative approaches in areas that have been identified as bottlenecks in a way that links to the ongoing policy dialogue and informs broader initiatives. This is a challenging opportunity to help advance the land agenda at a critical juncture.



 The day was spent in Theni district. Two public hearings were organized to learn about people's struggles and problems. The first public hearing was organized in Periyakulam. About 70 adivasis and dalits participated in the public meeting. Most of the adivasis were from Chokkanalai, Chinnor, Karumparai, Kadapparaikuli, Chellankalam and the dalits were from the city of Periyakulam.

Le nouvel accaparement des terres africaines

Des multinationales achètent d’immenses surfaces de terre en Afrique au détriment des communautés locales. Agazit Abate met en garde contre cet accaparement qui met les pays au péril d’une plus grande insécurité alimentaire, va aggraver la dégradation de l’environnement, augmenter la dépendance à l’assistance et marginaliser les communautés des paysans et des bergers.

Comunicado de Prensa: Foro de la Tierra 2011

Salta, 9 de noviembre de 2011

Con la presencia de Juan Manuel Urtubey, gobernador de la provincia de Salta (Argentina), Filemón Torres (Presidente de Fundapaz), Madiodio Niasse (Director de la ILC) y Eduardo Buzzi (Presidente de la FAA) quedó inaugurado el Foro de la Tierra 2011 que se realiza en Salta, Argentina.

El primer día del Foro contó con la participación de más de 220 personas, entre los que se encontraban autoridades, representantes de miembros de organizaciones indígenas y campesinas, agencias intergubernamentales, académicos, entre otros.

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