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In a warming world, deforestation turns the heat deadly, Borneo study finds

25 November 2021
  • New research identifies how rising localized temperatures driven by deforestation and global warming are increasing heat-related deaths and creating unsafe working conditions in Indonesia.
  • In the Bornean district of Berau, 4,375 square kilometers (1,689 square miles) of forest were cleared between 2002 and 2018, contributing to a 0.95°C (1.71°F) increase in mean daily temperature across the district, according to the study.
  • It concluded climate change temperature increases in the region caused an 8% rise in mortality rates in 2018, or more

“Boosting local capacity to manage land conflicts and protect customary rights” – Introducing the LAND-at-scale project in Mali

06 December 2021

The Netherlands Agency for Enterprise and Development (RVO) is pleased to announce its collaboration with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN) in Bamako, SNV, the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), the University of Legal and Political Sciences of Bamako and the National Coordination of Peasant Organizations for implementation of a LAND-at-scale project in Mali "Strengthening local capacities to manage land conflicts and protect customary rights". The intervention will run until 2023 and has a budget of €1.3 million.


In June 2021 Somalia was estimated to have a population of 16.35 million people, of whom 46% now live in cities. The urban population is predicted to triple by 2050. Somalia, which is 627 340 km2 in extent is situated on the Horn of

Thirty-five New Country Portfolios Feature Breadth of Land Governance Challenges

02 December 2021

(02.12.2021) The Land Portal Foundation is pleased to announce the publication of thirty-five new country portfolios as part of the Country Insights Initiative, which seeks to expand knowledge about how countries govern their land, the challenges they face, and the innovative solutions they find to manage land tenure issues.

Igad backs women equal rights to own land

02 December 2021

The Inter-Governmental Authority on Development is pushing for gender parity in land ownership in the region.

At a July 28 meeting in Nairobi, seven ministers from member states signed a document titled Regional Women's Land Rights Agenda, which will serve as the foundation for improving policies and the legal environment for gender equality on land ownership, and addressing cultural and religious practices that prevent women from owning land.

Madagascar: strong concerns around the new land law

29 November 2021

Madagascar: strong concerns around the new land law

At its last meeting on 10 November, the Committee's experts exchanged views on recent legislative developments in Madagascar and expressed their concerns regarding the likely adoption of Law 2021-06. This calls into question the recognition of customary land rights and leads to a reversal of the decentralized land management process that had been under way since 2005.

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