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Gorongosa National Park featured as a successful public-private partnership model in new World Bank report

18 January 2022




A landmark new resource guide and toolkit from the World Bank and the Global Wildlife Program (funded by The Global Environment Facility) features Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park as a successful case study and model of a “Collaborative Management Partnership” – a public-private agreement set up to manage conservation areas and support sustainable, inclusive development.

Consultancy for Human Rights Work at Global Canopy

18 January 2022

Global Canopy (GC) is a data-driven not for profit that targets the market forces destroying nature. We do this by improving transparency and accountability. We provide innovative open-access data, clear metrics, and actionable insights to leading companies, financial institutions, governments and campaigning organisations worldwide. Global Canopy is moving through a period of organisational growth and development and has identified a need to focus greater attention on the human rights aspects of our work.

Zimbabwe: High Court Gives Mnangagwa Greenlight To Evict Chilonga Villagers

07 January 2022

THE fate of 12 000 villagers in Chilonga, Chiredzi, has been effectively sealed after the High Court on Thursday ruled there was “finite wisdom” in gave President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s administration’s decision to evict them.


The controversial decision by government, which courted global outrage, has been raging for almost a year now. High Court judge Justice Joseph Mafusire dismissed an application by villagers in which they were challenging their pending eviction.

Presidente Castillo launches new land reform in Peru

04 October 2021


His administration will establish the "Agrarian Civil Service," a program through which thousands of young university students will technically support the farmers.

On Sunday, Peru’s President Pedro Castillo launched the "second agrarian reform", which is a national policy for the development of agriculture through the incorporation of technology, the provision of technical advice, and the construction of productive infrastructure.

Why reconciliation agreement between Germany and Namibia has hit the buffers

09 January 2022

In bilateral negotiations  which are reported to have disregarded international participation rights based both in treaties and customary international law, both the German and Namibian governments have been accused of  “seeking forgiveness without listening to descendants” and with no reference to the return of land to the dispossessed as part of restitutive justice.

The African Women’s Collaborative for Healthy Food Systems helps build a native seedbank in Lufwanyama District, Zambia

12 January 2022

Lufwanyama District in the Copperbelt Province of Zambia, home to many remote communities that completely depend on smallholder agriculture for food and income, is on a mission to collect native seeds to build a seed bank.

The African Women’s Collaborative for Healthy Food Systems emphasizes the importance of local, agroecological, and equitable food systems, and raises awareness of peasant and indigenous women’s important contributions to food sovereignty and food justice, particularly during the COVID-19 crisis.

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