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Land Matters: South Africa’s Failed Land Reforms and the Road Ahead

18 November 2021

Dr Franklin Obeng-Odoom, Associate Professor in the Discipline of Global Development Studies at the University of Helsinki  has recently reviewed a new book by one of South Africa's leading legal minds and land analysts Tembeka Ngcukaitobi . His review of Land Mattters: South Africa's Failed Land Reforms and the Road Ahead appears in the LSE Review of Books.

According to Obeng-Odoom Land Matters is outstanding. Some extracts from his review appear below.

Land evictions in Eswatini

18 April 2021

 Zweli Martin Dlamini writing in Swaziland News has highlighted allegations of land grabbing and resource capture by Kinf Mswati

An independent investigation by Swaziland News found that the Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives who was acting on behalf of King Mswati arrived at Lomahasha to formally inform the residents that the King and royalty were taking over Nkalashane Farm.

South Africa’s apartheid regime manipulated borders. Today, the effects linger

11 November 2021

The issue of land, especially its redistribution, remains contentious in South Africa 27 years after the formal end of apartheid. Land redistribution was promised at the end of apartheid. The failure of the African National Congress (ANC) government to do so is emblematic of its failure to fundamentally transform the country.

Lesotho Parliament Passes Small Scale Mining Law

24 November 2021

Bereng Mpaki writing in the Lesotho Times provides background on the Mines and Minerals Amendment Bill which seeks to legalise artisanal and  small scale mining. This had previously been outlawed by the Mines and Minerals Act, 2005.

According to the the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Natural Resources, Tourism and Land Cluster Portfolio Committee  the Bill sought to alleviate poverty by empowering locals to venture into mining.

Namibia: Communal Land in Kavango Most Vulnerable to 'Landgrabbing'

12 November 2021

In 2014, the Kavango region was divided into two regions – East and West. At the time, the Namibian government, during president Hifikepunye Pohamba's tenure, justified the move saying the region was too large and dividing it would enhance service delivery. This remains to be seen: Kavango West remains the most rural and one of the poorest regions in Namibia.

Zimbabwe: New Land offer permits unveiled

13 November 2021

Government has introduced the new securitised A2 Model Settlement Permit with advanced security features to curb fake offer letters.

This follows the emergence of land ownership disputes countrywide with people in some cases vying for occupation of farms using different offer letters.

Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Minister Dr Anxious Masuka yesterday said holders of valid old offer letters would be advised on where and when to collect their new securitised settlement permits.

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