Resource information
This Act ensures a plan uniting the community’s interests in land use and contributes to protecting the country's environment in order for the society to develop on a sustainable basis in regards to human living conditions and preservation of animal and plant life. Regional and local councils shall publish a statement of their strategy for the region's respective municipality contribution to sustainable development in the 21st century.This Act consists of 16 Chapters and 1 Appendix: Purpose (1); Land planning (2); Coastal areas (2a); Planning in the metropolitan area (2c); Planning for retail trade (2d); Regional Development Planning (3); Municipality planning (4); Local planning (5); Development agreements for infrastructure (5a); Plan mobilization and repeal (6); Local agenda (6a); Zoning and rural administration (7); Holiday areas (8); Easements (9); Reversals (10); Expropriation, takeover (11); Monitoring (12); Administrative provisions (13); Appeals and legal proceedings (14); Legalization and Penalty (15); Entry into force and transitional provisions (16).Appendix 1 - Map.
Implements: Council Directive 85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment. (1985-06-27)
Implements: Council Directive 97/11/EC amending Directive 85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment. (1997-03-03)
Amended by: Act relevant to taxation (No. 1336 of 2008). (2008-12-19)