Resource information
The Global Programme “Responsible Land Policy” (GPRLP) is part of the BMZ Special Initiative "Transformation of Agricultural and Food Systems" which aims to reduce extreme poverty and hunger. The GPRLP is implemented by GIZ and has nine country components. Among these, Ethiopia faces a pressing issue with its natural forest landscapes, which have been steadily disappearing. In the early 20th century, forests covered approximately 40% of the country's land, but today, that figure has dwindled to around 4%. The primary drivers of this forest decline is the ever-increasing demand for wood for various purposes, like construction, firewood as a source of energy, agricultural encroachment for crop production and livestock grazing. The consequences of such uncontrolled resource exploitation and change of land-use type include serious environmental degradation. This manual outlines five key elements to achieve sustainable use of communal land in degraded landscapes:
- Study challenges and opportunities
- Identification of selection criteria for intervention areas
- Developing alternative management models
- Finalization of cadastres between Kebeles
- Establishment of cooperatives
For more resources from Ethiopia: Responsible Land Policy in Ethiopia | Land Portal.