land degradation
Latest News
03 November 2023
Much arable land in developing countries is inefficiently managed or lies fallow: Since this became the accepted, World Bank-endorsed narrative in 2008, it has shaped the agricultural policies of many developing countries. At the same time, it has opened the doors to private investors seeking to acquire land for the long term.
A country that has relied heavily on this model is Lao PDR. The Southeast Asian country has managed to generate an economic boom, reducing poverty and creating a significant number of jobs in rural areas. A Lao researcher examined the data as part of his doctoral studies at CDE, University of Bern, – and the results are sobering.
Indonesia’s mangrove restoration will run out of land well short of target, study warns
09 March 2023
Indonesia's mangrove restoration plan faces a major hurdle, with less than a third of the target area is actually viable for restoration.
Central Asia’s poorest farmers know the value of their land
08 March 2023
Farmland and pastures across Central Asia are far less productive after decades of monocropping
There are 2, 401 content items of different types and languages related to land degradation on the Land Portal.