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Displaying 277 - 288 of 2448

Burkina Faso : Non-Monetary Poverty and Gender Inequalities, 1993-2010 Trends

October, 2013

Burkina Faso's Poverty Reduction
Strategies (PRS) of the 2000s, which were implemented as
annually rolled-over Priority Action Programs, focused on
four pillars: a) accelerating broad based growth; b)
expanding access to social services for the poor; c)
increasing employment and income-generating activities for
the poor; and d) promoting good governance. Increased public
expenditure and targeted social service provision also led

Kazakhstan : Overview of Climate Change Activities

April, 2014

This overview of climate change
activities in Kazakhstan is part of a series of country
notes for five Central Asian countries that summarize
climate portfolio of the major development partners in a
number of climate-sensitive sectors, namely energy,
agriculture, forestry, and natural resources, water, health,
and transport. Recognizing the nature and significance of
climate change contribution to an increase in disaster risk,

Reducing the Vulnerability of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia's Agricultural Systems to Climate Change : Impact Assessment and Adaptation Options

October, 2013
North Macedonia

Agricultural production is inextricably tied to climate, making agriculture one of the most climate-sensitive of all economic sectors. In countries such as the Former Yugoslav Republic (FYR) of Macedonia, the risks of climate change for the agricultural sector are a particularly immediate and important problem because the majority of the rural population depends either directly or indirectly on agriculture for their livelihoods.

Harnessing the Potential for Green Growth in Kuwait

November, 2014

Like many countries in the Middle East
and North Africa (MENA) region, Kuwait faces considerable
environmental challenges due to air pollution, increasingly
scarce water resources and deteriorating arable land. As the
problems associated with climate change intensify,
governments and countries need to respond with more creative
and wide ranging policy responses in order to safeguard the
standards of living for future generations. While the

Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of : Analysis of the Agricultural Support Programs

January, 2014

The report is structured to allow
readers familiar with Macedonia s agriculture sector to
quickly grasp the essentials needed to improve the sector,
as well as to inform a general audience on how to address
the challenges of a modern European Union (EU)-aspiring
state. Chapter two provides an in-depth analysis of the
sectoral background, illustrating the main characteristics
and challenges of Macedonia s agriculture sector. The

Results in the Latin America and Caribbean Region 2013, Volume 2

December, 2014

Delivering on results is a key to
achieving our Latin America and Caribbean strategy. This
publication presents some of the recent results achieved by
the World Bank Group, our clients, and our partners in the
Latin America and Caribbean Region. The stories reflect our
effort to help clients solve their development challenges
quickly and effectively by providing a suite of financing,
advisory and convening services. This is a way to

Unlocking Africa's Agricultural Potential

January, 2014

Transforming agriculture in Africa is
not simply about helping Africa; it is essential for
ensuring global food security. But Africa s agriculture is
also of critical importance when it comes to meeting the
world s future needs for food and fiber. With the global
population expected to exceed 9 billion by 2050, food
security producing enough food of sufficient quality and
making it accessible and affordable for consumers around the

Accessing International Climate Change Related Finance in Latin America and the Caribbean

October, 2013

Financing projects and programs to
mitigate impacts of, and adapt to, the climate change is a
matter of necessity not choice. This green expenditure
policy note looks at factors facilitating the access to
international financial instruments for Latin America and
the Caribbean (LAC) countries that support mitigation of and
adaptation to climate change. This policy note explores two
questions: (i) does the quality of government institutions

Household Energy for Cooking

August, 2015

Reliance on solid fuels for cooking is
an indicator of energy poverty. Access to modern energy
services - including electricity and clean fuels - is
important for achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
It can also reduce womens domestic burden of collecting
fuelwood and allow them to pursue educational, economic, and
other employment opportunities that can empower them and
lead to increased gender equality. Similarly, the use of

Deforestation Trends in the Congo Basin : Mining

January, 2014

This report aims at providing
stakeholders with a good analysis of the potential impacts
of mining development on the Congo Basin forests. It is one
of a series of outputs prepared during a two-year exercise
to analyze and better understand the deforestation dynamics
in the Basin. It presents the main findings of an analysis
of the mining potential in the Congo Basin as well as the
global trends in demand of minerals tries to identify ways

India : Diagnostic Assessment of Select Environmental Challenges, Volume 1. An Analysis of Physical and Monetary Losses of Environmental Health and Natural Resources

October, 2013

This report provides estimates of social
and financial costs of environmental damage in India from
three pollution damage categories: (i) urban air pollution,
including particulate matter and lead; (ii) inadequate water
supply, poor sanitation, and hygiene; (iii) indoor air
pollution; and four natural resource damage categories: (a)
agricultural damage from soil salinity, water logging, and
soil erosion; (b) rangeland degradation; (c) deforestation;

Beyond Oil : Kazakhstan's Path to Greater Prosperity through Diversifying, Volume 1. Overview

January, 2014

Kazakhstan aspires to become one of the
world s 30 most developed economies by 2050. The focus is on
laying the basis for the accelerated diversification of the
economy through industrialization and infrastructure
development, including enhancing human capital to drive
innovation and economic efficiency. This country economic
memorandum report adopts an analytical framework that looks
into options that will be explored to help authorities think