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Règlement grand-ducal déclarant obligatoire le plan d'aménagement global "Haff Réimech".

Western Europe

Ce règlement déclare obligatoire le plan d'aménagement global "Haff-Réimech. Ce plan comprend parmi d'autres la zone protégée des réserves naturelles du "Baggerweieren" et la zone viticole et agricole. La première est destinée à garantir la protection d'espèces rares de la faune et de la flore et la dernière est destinée à l'exercice de la viticulture et de l'agriculture. En plus, tous les travaux viticoles et agricoles usuels peuvent y être exécutés. Le règlement comprend 17 articles.

Land Act 1979.

Southern Asia

This Act provides for the registration of title to land, regulates the use of certain land and related matters and gives rules with respect to landownership and land use rights.The text of the Act is divided into 13 Chapters: Registration of land in Thram (I); Validity of Thram and entitlement to land (II); Right of possession (III); Cost of land and taxation (IV); Sale/purchase and exchange of land (V); Government land and the procedure for allotment of land (VI); Water channels, embankments and roads (VII); Regarding grazing land (VIII); Matters relating to Tsatong and its allotment (IX);

Arrêté nº R-016 portant réglementation des réserves foncières.

Western Africa

Cet arrêté porte réglementation des réserves foncières. Ces réserves sont destinées à couvrir les besoins en terre nécessaires à la constitution des espaces vitaux des agglomérations, à la réalisation d'infrastructures et d'aménagements collectifs et à la couverture des demandes de terrain à mettre en valeur exprimées par des exploitants agricoles tant pour l'extension d'une exploitation existante que pour la création d'exploitations nouvelles.

Agricultural Tenancies Act 1995 (Chapter 8).

United Kingdom
Northern Europe

An Act to make provision for farm business tenancies which begin after 1 September 1995. Section 4 excludes in part the Agricultural Holding Act, 1986 to tenancies covered by the present Act. Sections 5 to 7 provide rules for the termination of tenancies. Tenancies continuing for more than two years shall afterwards continue from year to year unless terminated by notice (sect. 5). Section 8 recognizes the right of a tenant to remove buildings and fixtures.

Decree No. 515 of 1995 establishing rules relative to land lease 1995.

Western Europe

Decree regulating the rent for the lease of agricultural land. The Decree seeks to re-establish a balance between interests of the lessee and those of the lessor. Owners of agricultural land who give the land in lease may obtain a net gain of 2 percent of the free market value of land free of lease excluded costs which are to be bared by the landowner. Article 1 defines "free market value" as the price for the land in agricultural use but free of lease which results from reasonable negotiation between buyer and seller on the market.

Decreto Legislativo Nº 667 - Ley del registro de predios rurales.

South America

La Ley consta de 3 títulos, 35 artículos, 4 disposiciones transitorias y 14 finales. INDICE: Registro de predios rurales (I): Disposiciones generales (1), Títulos inscribibles (2), Inscripción de la propiedad de predios rurales (3), Inscripción de la posesión de predios rurales (4), Planos necesarios para la inscripción (5); Disposiciones transitorias (II); Disposiciones finales (III).La presente Ley crea el Registro de Predios Rurales, que formará parte del Registro Predial (art. 1º).

Law relating to Aquaculture.

South-Eastern Asia

The present Law is divided into the following 10 Chapters: Title and Definition (1); Application for Lease or Licence (2); Payment of Duties and Fees (3); Powers of the Department and the Director General (4); Cancellation of the Lease Licence (5); Inspection and Action to be taken (6); Appeals (7); Prohibitions (8); Offences and Penalties (9); Miscellaneous (10).The exercise of aquaculture in aquaculture lands or fishery areas which are not connected to any of the Government Departments or special fishery areas is subject to the issuance of a lease grant.

Decreto Nº 23.214/MAG/MIRENEM - Metodología para la determinación de la capacidad de uso de las tierras.

Costa Rica
Central America

El presente Decreto, que consta de 13 artículos, establece la Metodología para la determinación de la capacidad de uso de las tierras de Costa Rica, que es de aplicación obligatoria en la elaboración de todas las estrategias, políticas, proyectos, programas, planes y ejecución de actividades específicas que se lleven a cabo en el territorio nacional por instituciones nacionales e internacionales de carácter público o privado. Se crea un comité de coordinación con el objeto de poder dar un seguimiento, evaluación, modificación y actualización a la presente metodología.

Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 168/96 approving the project for land subdivision in the Benquerença area.

Southern Europe

This Resolution delimits the agricultural land in the Benquerença region. It lays down the geographical co-ordinates of these lands, specifying the purposes of such delimitation. A map of the area is annexed to the text.