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There are 1, 589 content items of different types and languages related to community land rights on the Land Portal.
Displaying 217 - 228 of 365

Forest Rights and Governance in India

Reports & Research
February, 2019

The webinar on the Forest Rights and Governance in India took place on 30 January, 2018. The webinar discussed why has there been variation in the implementation of the Forest Rights Act and identified institutional bottlenecks to upscaling its implementation, as well as lessons learned from existing best practices.
The webinar addressed implementation of the Forest Rights Act, its inclusion of traditional forest dwellers - men and women, innovations that have proven successful, and questions of governance and its impact on the forest rights discourse and policies.

Vendre les terres au plus offrant: Le plan de la Banque Mondiale pour privatiser les biens communs

Journal Articles & Books
December, 2018

Date: 2019

Source: Foncier & Développement

Par: Frédéric Mousseau (The Oakland Institute)

Ce rapport détaille comment la Banque Mondiale préconise des réformes, via un nouvel indicateur foncier dans le projet EBA (Enabling the Business of Agriculture), qui encourage les acquisitions de terres à grande échelle et l’expansion de l’agrobusiness dans les pays en développement.

Dez anos de r-existência da Reserva Extrativista de Canavieiras (BA):

Journal Articles & Books
October, 2018
South America
Desde o final dos anos 1960, a questão ambiental começa a ganhar nova qualidade com a emergência dos movimentos populares, evidenciando que a crise ambiental é uma faceta da crise epistêmica e política, marcada pela colonialidade do saber e do poder. Neste artigo será destacado o movimento das comunidades tradicionais do estado do Acre, sob a liderança de Chico Mendes, que deixaram registrados embates emblemáticos ao lutar pela criação das reservas extrativistas, que seria a reforma agrária dos seringueiros.

Vulnerabilidade das comunidades pesqueiras de São Tomé e Príncipe face às mudanças climáticas

Reports & Research
July, 2012
Sao Tome and Principe

A certeza que os eventos críticos relacionados às mudanças climáticas afetam direta e indiretamente as atividades humanas surgiu, principalmente, com a divulgação do relatório do Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) de 2007. O referido relatório confirmou que os países menos avançados (PMAs), particularmente, os situados no continente africano, são considerados os mais vulneráveis aos efeitos das mudanças climáticas.

Applying a Community-Based Approach to Tenure Formalization

Reports & Research
April, 2018

There is today a growing awareness of the importance of providing rural populations with more secure tenure to land and other natural resources, not least in Africa where approximately 90 percent of all land is still unregistered. At the same time there has been a rethinking of approaches for securing local tenure rights in practice. Experience has shown that the conventional approach, i.e., individual freehold titling, has often not worked well in areas where communal forms of customary tenure predominate, which is still the case in most parts of rural sub-Saharan Africa.

Legislative Best Practices for Securing Women’s Rights to Community Lands

Reports & Research
March, 2018

Brief highlights key attributes of national constitutions, laws, and regulations that play a fundamental role in protecting indigenous and rural women’s rights to community forests and other community lands. These legislative best practices were derived from a 2017 analysis of over 400 national laws and regulations, Power and Potential, which evaluates the extent to which women’s rights to community forests are recognized by national law in 30 low- and middle-income countries across Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

Tenure in Community Forests: A Study on Communal Land Associations as Forest Management Regimes in Budongo, Masindi District, Uganda

Reports & Research
August, 2004

The Communal Land Associations in Community Forests of Budongo Sub-county are the first pilots in Uganda, and are still in the process of formation. Given that this is a new method for group tenure interests in resource management, the process should be dynamic and invite close analysis for improvement.

A Legislação Fundiária Angolana à Luz das Directrizes Voluntárias Sobre a Governança Responsável da Posse de Terra

Policy Papers & Briefs
November, 2017

O objectivo deste estudo é analisar sistema legal fundiário angolano à luz das recomendações propostas pelas Directrizes Voluntárias Sobre a Governança Responsável da Posse de Terra, Pescas e Florestas no Contexto da Segurança Alimentar Nacional (VGGTs no seu acrónimo inglês). 


Journal Articles & Books
December, 2015
A questão da terra é um dos pontos nevrálgicos de Moçambique, cujo destaque ampliou-se com a democratização do país em 1990 e a tentativa de adequação da economia ao novo contexto político interno e internacional, que inclui a possibilidade de investimentos privados, assim como o uso e a ocupação das terras moçambicanas.

A Critical Analysis of the Extent to Which the National Land Commission Addresses the Land Question in Kenya

Reports & Research
December, 2013

The land question in Kenya has never been solved. Land is a pertinent source of livelihood, the problem has persisted and in a number of years caused chaos as people grow impatient. Over time, there have been complaints from various communities and recently, the past governments have sought to listen the ailing communities. The National Land Policy and the National Land Commission characterize efforts to remedy the continued situation bedeviling the African communities.