Struggle for Life and Land. Socfin’s Rubber Plantations in Liberia and the Responsibility of Swiss Companies
This report denounces human rights violations occurring in Socfin Group’s rubber plantations operation in Liberia.
This report denounces human rights violations occurring in Socfin Group’s rubber plantations operation in Liberia.
An analysis of the July South African report on land and agriculture which documents the sorry tale of land reform since 1994. Says action on land reform is long overdue. Makes sensible recommendations on expropriation. Suggests a policy shift towards equity as a goal of land reform and a shift towards redistribution. Makes the case for substantial (at least half) allocations to women and a focus on urban/peri-urban land. Adding to redistribution;restitution and land tenure reform;it suggests a fourth pillar – land administration.
In advance of the release of the World Bank’s 2019 Enabling the Business of Agriculture (EBA) report;the Oakland Institute exposes the Bank’s new scheme to privatize land in the developing world. It details how the Bank’s prescribed reforms;via a new land indicator in the EBA project;promotes large-scale land acquisitions and the expansion of agribusinesses in the developing world. Initiated as a pilot in 38 countries in 2017;the land indicator is expected to be expanded to 80 countries in 2019. The project is funded by the US and UK governments and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
This Country Assessment (CA) for Azerbaijan is prepared under the ADB Regional Technical Assistance (RETA) 7433: Mainstreaming Land Acquisition and Resettlement Safeguards in the Central and West Asia Region. The RETA objective is to foster more effective infrastructure development in the region through the improvement of land acquisition and resettlement (LAR) practices.This country assessment entailed an analysis of project documents, a review of national legislation and questionnaires/interviews with representatives of state agencies, and LAR-affected communities.
La présente loi s'applique à l'ensemble des activités ou opérations minières, notamment à la prospection, à la recherche, à l'évaluation, au développement, à la construction des infrastructures minières, à l'exploitation, à l'extraction, au traitement, à la production, à la transformation, au stockage, à l'exportation, à l'importation, au transport, à la commercialisation des substances minérales et à la promotion des investissements y relatifs, à l'exception de celles relatives aux hydrocarbures liquides ou gazeux et aux eaux.
La présente loi fixe les modalités et les conditions de l’expropriation de droit commun; l’expropriation des terrains ruraux (absence de mise en valeur); le déguerpissement; alignation-servitudes d’utilité publique; et les cas de constatation des droits coutumiers.
Laos plans to graduate from least developed country status by 2024. To spur economic growth,
the Lao government builds on a resource-based export economy, major mining projects, the
constructions of dams, and the expansion of plantation agriculture. A key focus is the promotion
of foreign direct investment in agriculture and forestry, to promote technology transfer for
A large share of the world's rural population depends on using land to feed themselves. Commercial agriculture and forestry investments are placing growing pressure on land as a resource. Especially when state capacities to steer and monitor land-based investments are low, this can lead to increasing pressure on natural resources, land-use conflicts and in the worst cases to forced expropriation and displacement. These factors can have a negative impact on livelihood and food security in rural areas, particularly when land rights are insecure.
En République Centrafricaine, l’Etat détient le pouvoir d’exproprier une personne physique ou morale d’un bien foncier. Cette pratique se justifie par la mise en œuvre des Projets d’Intérêt Général dont l’Etat seul est garant. La corruption n’est pas absente dans le mécanisme. L’objectif de cette étude consiste à analyser les procédures d’expropriation pour cause d’utilité publique en Centrafrique et relever les cas de corruption quand il s’agit d’indemniser les victimes. Les méthodes analytique et descriptive ont été utilisées pour la réalisation de ce travail.
En zones de savanes cotonnières d'Afrique centrale, les densités de populations sont variables et en augmentation. Les modes d'exploitation agricole varient de l'agriculture itinérante répandue en Centrafrique à l'agriculture continue dominante au Cameroun et au Tchad. L'exploitation agricole familiale est une unité familiale de production, de consommation, d'accumulation et de résidence.