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Government Regulation on Land Registration (No. 24 of 1997).

South-Eastern Asia

These Regulations are composed of 10 Chapters, i.e. General provisions (I); Principles and purposes (II); Fundamentals of land registration administration (III); First time land registration (IV); Maintenance of land registration data (V); Issuance of a replacement certificate (VI); Land registration fees (VII); Sanctions (VIII); Transitional provisions (IX); Concluding provisions (X)Article 1 provides a list of definitions and explanations of terms used within the Act including a definition of the term "land registration".

Land Law.

South-Eastern Asia

This Land Law aims to overhaul the distribution and management of land in Cambodia as well as protect property rights. This basic land legislation consists of 8 Titles; Private and public ownership (I); Acquisition of ownership (II); The regime of private ownership (III); Forms of ownership (IV); Immovable property used as surety (V); Cadastre (VI); Penalty provisions (VII) and Final provisions (VIII).The Law refers to recognition of rights to land of persons who have had peaceful, uncontested possession of the land for a certain period of time.

Law on Land Resources.

Eastern Europe

This Act concerns land resources in Romania and consists of 9 Chapters; General provisions (1); Establishment of private property right to land (2); Provisions regarding state owned land (3); Legal distribution of the land (IV); Land usage for agricultural and forestry production (V); Temporary or permanent land utilization for purposes other than agricultural and forestry production (VI); Penalties (VIII) and Transitional and final provisions (IX).General provisions include definitions of agricultural and forestry land use (art. 2).

Organic Agriculture Act.

Northern Europe

The purpose of this Act is to organise a system which assures the quality of organic, that is, ecologically or biodynamically grown and handled, foodstuffs and the development of environmentally sustainable agriculture. The Act promotes the sustainability of the environment by restricting the use of fertilizers and pesticides in the handling of organic foodstuffs, and facilitates the preservation of the natural fertility of the soil, the ensurance of biological diversity and the continued use of semi-natural grasslands.

Loi relative au développement des régions de montagne en république de Bulgarie.

Eastern Europe

Cette loi régit les rapports entre l'Etat, les régions, les communes, les personnes physiques et les personnes morales au cours de la mise en pratique de la politique de développement, de gestion et de financement des régions de montagne délimitées par la présente loi, c'est à dire les territoires d'une ou de plusieurs communes en voisinage, faisant partie du territoire du pays, où plus de 70% de la superficie a une altitude supérieure à 600 mètres ou la dénivellation entre le point d'altitude minimale et le point d'altitude maximale dépasse 400 mètres.

Law No. 152-II on land.

Central Asia

Land reserves in the Republic of Kazakhstan shall be divided in accordance with their designated purpose into the following categories: 1) lands of agricultural designation; 2) lands of residential areas (cities, towns, settlements and rural residential areas); 3) lands used for industry, transport, communications, defence and other non-agricultural purposes; 4) lands of specially protected territories, lands of health rehabilitating, recreational, historical and cultural designation; 5) lands of the forest reserve; 6) lands of the forest reserve; 7) lands of the reserve.

Act No. 21-C/92 on ownership, concession and use of agricultural land.

Middle Africa

This Act establishes the basic framework for ownership, concession and use of agricultural land of the People's Republic of Angola. It consists of 7 chapters defining all the issues related with the land basic legislation, such as: General Provisions (Chap. 1); Land classification (2); Licensing (3); Transmission and rescission of land use right (4); Registration (5); Administration Powers (6); Final Provisions (7).

Loi concernant le soutien au développement rural.

Western Europe

La présente loi a pour objectif, en conformité avec les principes de la politique agricole commune, de promouvoir une agriculture multifonctionnelle, durable et compétitive en liaison avec un développement intégré des zones rurales. Le texte comprend 4 titres répartis en 69 articles: Objectif et définitions (Ier); Encouragement à l’adaptation et au développement du secteur agricole (II).

Regional Act No. 53 on the regional arrangement for soil conservation and implementing Act No. 183 of 18 May 1989.

Southern Europe

The Lazio Region regulates the rearrangement and restructuring of administrative functions relative to soil conservation for the following purposes: a) creation of a coordinated system for soil protection; b) maintenance of quality features of water resources; c) protection and rational use of water resources; d) protection of aquatic ecosystems, taking into particular account zones of naturalistic and environmental interest.

Regional Act No. 13 on soil protection.

Southern Europe

Within the legal framework laid down in Act No. 183 of 1989, this Regional Act has been enacted to guarantee soil conservation, water restoration and to encourage the rational use of water resources. The Regional Basin Authority, established under the Regional Council (art. 2) shall govern the use and management of regional basins, which are determined by Annex B. The Authority consists of the Institutional Committee (art. 4), the Technical Committee (art. 6) and the Secretary-General (art. 7).

Regional Act No. 8 laying down provisions in matter of soil protection and implementing Act No. 183 of 18 May 1989 and subsequent amendments.

Southern Europe

The present Regional Act aims at the conservation and protection of soil against all negative natural and anthropic agents, at the maintenance of water resources and at the ecosystem preservation, in compliance with the general principles laid down at the national level in Act No. 183 of 18 May 1989. Article 1 contains the list of basins of regional interest to be protected. Such basins are regrouped into the territorial areas defined by article 2. A Regional Basin Authority shall be set up for each territorial area.