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Five-year Development Plan 2016 – 2020 for the Agricultural, Marine Fisheries and Natural Resources Sectors.

National Policies
Julho, 2016

This sectoral document aims to illustrate and analyse the main factors of development policy concerning some sectors of fundamental importance for the Tunisian economy.Strategic objectives for the agricultural sector are (i) the natural resources sustainable development together with the reduction of the impacts of climate change through traditional water resources mobilization form groundwater and non-traditional water resources from desalinization and use of treated water; (ii) addressing real estate situations, resistance to ownership dispersion and exploitation of agricultural lands; (i

Code de l’environnement (Partie législative)

Novembro, 2000

Basée sur l’ordonnance n° 2000-914 du 18 septembre 2000 modifiée par l'ordonnance n° 2012-6 du 5 janvier 2012, la partie législative du Code de l'environnement français comprend sept (7) livres, entre autres, les dispositions communes (Livre I); les milieux physiques (Livre II); les espaces naturels (Livre III); le patrimoine naturel (Livre IV); la prévention des pollutions, des risques et des nuisances (Livre V); les dispositions applicables en Nouvelle-Calédonie, en Polynésie Française, à Wallis et Futuna, dans les terres australes et antarctiques françaises et à Mayotte (Livre VI); et la

Décret n°2016-878/ PRES/PM/MATDSI/MINEFID du14 septembre 2016 portant organisation administrative du territoire et attributions des chefs de circonscription administrative au Burkina Faso.

Setembro, 2016
Burkina Faso

Le présent décret définit l’organisation administrative du territoire et attributions des chefs de circonscription administrative au Burkina Faso. Le territoire national est organisé en circonscriptions administratives que sont: la région; la province; le département.

Plan National Climat (2012)

National Policies
Dezembro, 2011

Afin de concilier le projet « Gabon Emergent » et le développement durable, notamment dans sa dimension climatique, le Gabon a élaboré son Plan National Climat. Le Plan National Climat est basé sur la connaissance du potentiel de ressources dont dispose le Gabon et le respect des principes du développement durable, de bonne gouvernance et d’équité intergénérationnelle dans l’exploitation des ressources naturelles du Gabon.

Regional Law No. 109-ZRT “On transfer to local government of state plenary powers related to governance of land plots with undelimited public ownership”.

Dezembro, 2016

This Regional Law transfers to local government plenary powers for governance of land plots with undelimited public ownership pertaining to categories of urban land and inhabited rural areas. The aforesaid plenary powers shall be transferred to local government for the period of five years.

Act on the Preparation for Earthquakes and Volcanic Eruptions.

Julho, 2015
República da Coreia

The purpose of this Act is to prescribe matters necessary for the observation of, prevention of, provision against, and action against earthquakes, tsunami, and volcano, earthquake-proof measures, and research and technical development to reduce earthquake disasters and volcano disasters in order to protect the life and property of the people and major infrastructure from disasters due to earthquakes, tsunami, and volcano.

Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act, 2016. (No. 7 of 2016).

Abril, 2016

This Act makes miscellaneous and minor amendment to, amongst others, the Land Adjudication Act (Cap. 284), the County Governments Act, 2012, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority Act, 2013, the Crops Act, 2013 and the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Act, 2013. The Land Adjudication Act is amended by replacing the expression "Trust Land" with "community land" and "county council" with "county government". In the Fisheries and Food Authority Act, 2013 in the definition of "Authority" the word "Fisheries" is deleted.

Regional Law No. 1297-ZZK amending Regional Law No. 152-ZZK “On regulation of land relations”.

Março, 2016

Article 2 shall be amended to add the following wording: “Regional Government shall have the following plenary powers: (a) elaboration, validation and realization of regional state programs related to land tenure and land protection; (b) validation of public land soil rehabilitation projects; (c) governance of public land; (d) expropriation of land for public needs; (e) application of public servitude to land plots; and (f) decision-making related to purchase of land plots”.

Amends: Regional Law No. 152-ZZK “On regulation of land relations”. (2009-03-18)

Poverty Reduction Strategy.

National Policies
Dezembro, 2007

Liberia’s Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) is built on the foundation of the Government’s 150-Day Action Plan. The PRS is part of a longer-term continuum of the Government’s strategy for rapid, inclusive and sustainable growth and poverty reduction, including progress toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals. The PRS covers the three-year period from April 2008 to June 2011.

Resolución Nº 196-2016-MINAGRI ─ Procedimientos administrativos y servicios derivados de la actividad catastral a cargo de las Direcciones Regionales de Agricultura de los Gobiernos Regionales.

Maio, 2016

La presente Resolución aprueba la relación de procedimientos administrativos y servicios derivados de la actividad catastral a cargo de las Direcciones Regionales de Agricultura de los Gobiernos Regionales a los que se ha transferido la función de saneamiento físico legal de la propiedad agraria, incluyendo su denominación, plazo máximo de atención y requisitos máximos para cada procedimiento.

Implementa: Ley Nº 27867 - Ley Orgánica de Gobiernos Regionales. (2002-11-16)