Focal point
Forest Peoples Programme supports the rights of peoples who live in forests and depend on them for their livelihoods. We work to create political space for forest peoples to secure rights, control their lands and decide their own futures.
- Get the rights and interests of forest peoples recognised in laws, policies and programmes
- Support forest peoples to build their own capacities to claim and exercise their human rights
- Counter top-down policies and projects that threaten the rights of forest peoples
- Promote community-based sustainable forest management
- Ensure equity, counter discrimination and promote gender justice
- Inform NGO actions on forests in line with forest peoples’ visions
- Link up indigenous and forest peoples’ movements at the regional and international levels
Displaying 11 - 15 of 52Perú: Retrocesos en tiempos de COVID-19
Los impactos económicos del COVID-19 han generado que el Estado peruano agudice aún más en la priorización de las actividades extractivas por sobre la atención y cumplimiento de los derechos de los pueblos indígenas. En ese sentido, el presente informe describe, a través de las medidas establecidas por el Estado, las políticas que se han impulsado en territorios indígenas, bajo el argumento de la reactivación económica, sin contemplar los efectos que éstas pueden tener a mediano o largo plazo sobre la vida, la salud y el cumplimiento de los derechos de los pueblos.
Indonesia: Rollback in the Time of COVID-19
This paper highlights the ways that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected and disenfranchised indigenous peoples and forest communities in Indonesia. The lack of adequate protection of the rights of indigenous peoples and their territories before the pandemic has been made worse by a lack of protection during the pandemic. The challenges faced by forest communities during the pandemic show that access to land and natural resources is crucial for the survival of communities whose livelihoods depend on the forest.
République Démocratique du Congo : Retour en arrière en temps de COVID-19
Le présent rapport met en exergue les reculs constatés dans l’application des lois et règlementations en matière de sauvegardes et de protection des droits des communautés locales et des peuples autochtones (CLPA) en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC).
Retrocesos en los Tiempos del Covid-19
Las medidas de confinamiento adoptadas por el gobierno colombiano para contener la propagación del Covid-19, se han traducido en un detrimento de libertades y derechos fundamentales de las personas: restricciones de movilidad, toques de queda sin garantía de renta básica, cierre de mercados, inoperatividad de sistemas judiciales, precariedad del sistema de salud, abusos policiales, fortalecimiento de grupos armados e incremento de actividades ilegales.
Brazil: The dangers of rolling back during COVID-19
Over the last several years, the Brazilian government has rolled back environmental and social protections, threatening ecosystems such as the Amazon rainforest and the livelihoods of indigenous peoples and traditional communities. The dismantling of inspection and protection programmes in indigenous territories coupled with political neglect towards the formal demarcation of indigenous lands or the strengthening of public policies to safeguard traditional ways of life has led to social, physical and cultural vulnerability for indigenous peoples.