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Join the ILC Gender Experts Network!

08 March 2022

ILC Gender Experts Network

Are you a gender expert working for a member of the ILC?
Join the ILC Gender Experts Network!


An informal network to foster a culture of sharing among gender experts, as well as to communicate gender issues to the wider ILC network. It is a safe space to exchange, share good practices, and to support each other in solidarity!

Stand for Her Land Campaign Launch at International Women’s Day Regional Convening

08 March 2022

Join leaders and women’s land rights actors from across Africa and the world to celebrate International Women’s Day and our shared vision for accelerating secure women’s land rights as a foundation for achieving gender equality, women’s empowerment, and sustainable development.

Women’s rights to land, housing, property, and natural resources are fundamental human rights – foundational to livelihoods, food, shelter, peace, security, identity, status, and power.

Rautahat locals upset with police inaction

03 March 2022

Local residents of Gaur, Rautahat, have lamented the failure of police administration to arrest people involved in a plot to capture the land of Gaur Rice Mills, including a government employee who confessed he forged official documents.

Set up in 1946, the mill was closed after 22 years due to various reasons. As the mill could never resume operation, its land was being used as playground and programme venue for political parties and other organisations.

Revealed: Timber giant quietly converts Congo logging sites to carbon schemes

03 March 2022
  • An investigation by El País/Planeta Futuro has found evidence of irregularities in the allocation of “conservation concessions” and carbon-trading schemes in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • The investigation uncovered allegations that concessions covering millions of hectares were illegally reassigned in 2020 and converted to carbon credit projects without public oversight. The Portuguese-owned titles overlap with a protected area and Indigenous lands.


Mozambique continues to struggle with the complex legacies of conflict stemming from a bitter anti-colonial war, followed by decades of civil strife and the current armed insurgency in Cabo Delgado. Mozambique is a fertile and mineral

The Challenges of Implementing The Community Land Act in Kenya

25 February 2022

The Community Land Act, No. 27 of 2016 (the Act) came into force on 21 September 2016. The Act gives effect to Article 63 of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 (the Constitution) which provides for the classification of land known as community land. While the law is progressive on paper- it enables local communities to register and own their communal lands legally, its application has been slow.

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