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Somalia at a Crossroads: Progress and the Threat of Regression

25 March 2022

Somalia has been at a crossroads in recent years, with one pathway leading towards forging state-building and re-establishing democracy and another threatening a regression on the substantive gains made on many fronts. Narratives of Somalia’s growth and potential fronted on social media by ordinary citizens and returning diaspora are contrasted by conflict and frequent attacks on civilians by armed non-state actors.

Job Opportunity: Program advisor land rights RVO / LAND-at-scale

25 March 2022

The Netherlands Enterprise & Development Agency (RVO) is looking for a program advisor in the team that manages the land governance support program LAND-at-scale. All applications should be submitted before April 1st. See the Dutch vacancy text below:


Binnen het team Mondiale Vraagstukken Voedselzekerheid zoeken wij een Programma Adviseur Landrechten voor 'LAND-at-scale'.

Secure land rights and empowerment for indigenous communities - experiences and good practices from Peru

25 March 2022

After almost six years, the Global Programme Responsible Land Policy completed its activities in Peru in late 2021. Thanks to the hard work of the ProTierras Comunales project team and partners, we can look back on interesting lessons learned and several good practices ready for replication (here you can find the final publication).


Kazakhstan: Land ban pleases activists but leaves farming with fewer options

21 April 2021

Fear of China fueled the activism, though frustrations had accumulated over stagnant living conditions in the provinces.

Main photo: Hands off (David Trilling)

Kazakhstan is on the cusp of imposing a permanent ban on the sale and lease of agricultural land to foreigners. It is a rare victory for grassroots campaigning, but may be a blow for a sector in sore need of outside investment and expertise.

Drying Out African Lands: Expansion of Large-Scale Agriculture Threatens Access to Water in Africa

15 March 2022

As the escalating climate crisis threatens access to water for millions across Africa, Drying Out African Lands: Expansion of Large-Scale Agriculture Threatens Access to Water in Africa unveils the devastating impact of large-scale agricultural plantations on the right to water on the continent.

What Can be Done to Reduce Land Forgery in Sri Lanka?

22 March 2022

COLOMBO (IDN) — As land forgery continues unabated in Sri Lanka, something has to be done to prevent the prevalent rate of land fraud, with legal owners and innocent buyers unknowingly falling into these traps.

According to news sources, the Registrar General N C Withanage had said, as far back as March 2019, that 40 to 50 per cent of land deeds in Sri Lanka are forged documents.

But unfortunately, things continue to go from bad to worse.

Loss and Damage: Erosion of Nepal’s Life, Land and Beauty Is Deep and Irreparable

19 January 2022

Life-threatening floods from bursting glacial lakes are just one of the many impacts of climate change that are leaving the people of Nepal unable to cope. Guest blogger Shreya K.C. calls on world leaders to replace fake handshakes with concrete action.

Main photo: Sikles village, in Kaski district, Nepal (Photo: copyright Maila Dai)

Open call for journalists: Submit your solution story

21 March 2022

Land Portal and Solutions Journalism Network LEDE Fellow Nieves Zúñiga are collaborating on a project to spread solutions-based stories about repairing the environment, while also improving land governance. Read more.

How can you participate?

Please read the guidance below and pitch your story by submitting the form. The deadline to pitch stories is 31 March 2022.  


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