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Pakistan to set up ‘fast-track’ courts to settle land-grabbing cases of overseas Pakistanis

13 April 2021

Main photo: Zulfi Bukhari, Special Assistant to PM on Overseas Pakistanis, Afzaal Mahmood, Pakistan Ambassador, Ahmed Shaikhani, President, PBC, Shabbir Merchant, Director PBC, Imran Chaudhry and guests at the PBC reception in Dubai on Sunday. Image Credit: Virendra Saklani/Gulf News

The special courts will decide any property dispute within 30 days, says Bukhari in UAE

Can Duterte fix agrarian reform?

19 June 2016

THE DESIGNATION by incoming President Rodrigo Duterte of Rafael “Ka Paeng” Mariano as his secretary of agrarian reform is welcome news for the Filipino peasantry, farmworkers and the rural poor. Mariano, born into a poor peasant family in Nueva Ecija, is chair of Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas and former Anakpawis party-list representative.

Herders Confront a Challenging New Landscape

03 April 2021

Dzuds, a weather phenomenon characterized by extreme cold, used to be unusual. Now, they’re becoming the new normal.

DALANZADGAD, UMNUGOVI PROVINCE, MONGOLIA — Clouds gather in the moody winter sky, and the wind picks up. As the temperature plummets, sheep and goats turn from the pasture where they were grazing to huddle in the shelter of a shed.

Ethiopia’s Tigray conflict revives bitter disputes over land

30 December 2020
As rifle-toting militiamen fired celebratory rounds into the air, young men marched through the streets denouncing the former ruling party of Ethiopia’s Tigray region as “thieves.”
The party, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), is the target of military operations ordered by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, last year’s Nobel Peace laureate, that have reportedly left thousands dead since early November.
But the impromptu parade this month in Alamata, a farming town in southern Tigray flanked by low, rolling mountains, was unrelated to any


Namibia is a large country on the West Coast of Southern Africa bordering South Africa, Botswana, Zambia and Angola. It is 824,290 km² in extent with a small population of some 2.5 million people. Namibia’s climate is characterised by


Zimbabwe is a landlocked country in Southern Africa. It borders on South Africa, Botswana, Mozambique and Zambia. It has a population of 14.8 million. There are five natural regions. Almost 64% of the country falls into natural regions
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