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Localizing the Land-Related Sustainable Development Goals in Brazil: Women Empowering Women

26 April 2021

* This blog post was written by the following women:  Patricia Chaves, Gigliola Silva Araújo, Natali Lacerda and Tereza Borba. They take us back to 2015, through to the present, telling us about the process of localizing the land-related SDGs and empowering local women to build multi-stakeholder platforms in order to change and influence policies that can affect their families, communities and  lives. * 

Earth Day Marks Entry Into Force of Escazú Agreement, a New Environmental Law Treaty for Latin America and the Caribbean

22 April 2021

Today, the world celebrates Earth Day, a commemoration that began in 1970 to mark the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement. Since then, Earth Day has become a global event where the international community at large focuses the spotlight and global momentum on tackling the most pressing environmental challenges of our time.

Cambodia puts its arduous titling process for Indigenous land up for review

15 April 2021
  • Since 2009, Cambodia has had a legal process by which Indigenous communities can obtain legal title to their traditional land.
  • Of around 455 Indigenous communities in Cambodia, 33 have been granted land titles.
  • People who have engaged in the Indigenous land titling process say it is time-consuming and arduous, and that even successful claimants are often granted title to just a fraction of their customary land.

Landmark decision: Brazil Supreme Court sides with Indigenous land rights

20 April 2021
  • Brazil’s Supreme Federal Court (STF) has unanimously accepted an appeal by the Guarani Kaiowá Indigenous people and agreed to review the process around a past case that cancelled the demarcation of their Indigenous territory.
  • The Guarani Kaiowá’s decades-long fight for land rights to their ancestral territory, the Guyraroká land in Mato Grosso do Sul state, had been suspended by a 2014 ruling halting the territory’s demarcation process.
  • The STF’s decision to review the process in the 2014 case, which hadn’t allowed for Indigenous consultati
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