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LANDac Conference 2021

30 June 2021 - 02 July 2021

The LANDac Annual International Conference offers a podium for knowledge exchange between researchers, practitioners and private sector representatives interested in land governance for equitable and sustainable development


Territorial disputes in Central Asia on the threshold of the 30th anniversary of independence

14 June 2021

BISHKEK (TCA) — Territorial disputes in Central Asia do not allow countries of the region to take a step towards greater cooperation and increase regional integration. We are republishing the following article on the issue, written by independent researcher Ermek Baisalov and originally published by

Landmark court judgment in South Africa protects land rights

17 June 2021

On the 11th June the Pietermaritzburg High Court ruled that the Ingonyama Trust (created as the last legislative act of the outgoing apartheid government in 1994)  had adopted an illegal policy of forcing people living on land that had occupied for generations to sign leases and pay rent to the Trust. The court ordered the Trust to pay pay back the money which it had illegally levied from people living on some 2.8 million ha of land in KwaZulu-Natal province.

Ambitious $104 million program targets land degradation in Africa and Central Asian countries

16 June 2021

Main photo: Farmers at a FAO anti-desertification project in Burkina Faso, one of 11 countries targeted by the Global Environment Fund Initiative

The global launch of a $104 million initiative signals an ambitious effort by a range of partners to safeguard drylands in the context of climate change, fragile ecosystems, biodiversity loss, and deforestation in 11 African and Central Asian countries.

Govt okays proposed legislation to protect agricultural land

09 June 2021

Main Photo: The participants were told that under the proposed law, besides the Land Use and Building Control Authority, the establishment of a council at provincial level was also proposed with the chief minister as its head. Reuters/File

PESHAWAR: The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government has finalised the proposed legislation to protect agricultural land and green areas and prevent illegal construction activities on agricultural lands.

Lessons in Climate Resilience: What Can We Learn from Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities?

16 June 2021

Indigenous Peoples globally have high exposure to environmental change and are often considered an ‘‘at-risk’’ population, although there is growing evidence of their resilience. Ample research illustrates that Indigenous Peoples are actively observing and adapting to change in a diversity of ways. In this webinar we examined the common factor affecting resilience to environmental change among Indigenous Peoples and local communities.

Land Portal Foundation
The Tenure Facility
Thomson Reuters Foundation
Ford Foundation


The Republic of Uzbekistan is a doubly landlocked country. It is completely surrounded by other landlocked countries, namely Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan and Turkmenistan. 80% of land consists of plains, deserts and
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