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20,000 Kenyans Face Eviction in Land Dispute With Govt

14 June 2021

The Agriculture Development Corporation (ADC) is involved in a scuffle with residents of Kaskini, Kilifi County.

A report by the Nation on Monday, June 14 stated that the government parastatal is claiming ownership of 900 Acres which the residents state to have been given to them by the government in 2006.

The dispute began in 2014, when ADC laid claim to the land which had been occupied by locals for decades. 

How state has been paying billions for its own land for roads

15 June 2021

The government has been paying billions of shillings in compensation for its own land in questionable payouts by the National Lands Commission.

The compensation, which involves the acquisition of land for public utilities, is allegedly a cash cow for well-connected individuals who fleece taxpayers.

Two years ago, the government spent Sh1.5 billion of taxpayers’ money to acquire the Ruaraka land that later turned out to belong to the public.

Land value index plan to tame speculators

16 June 2021

The State is set to roll out a value index to make Kenya’s land market transparent and cut wasteful public project spending due to speculative activity that drives up costs, the World Bank has said.

The long-awaited index is also expected to boost own-source revenue collection by counties from land property.

Kenya currently lacks standardised land value information—a loophole that has been exploited by cartels over the years to entrench fraud and exploitation in property prices.

Help us reclaim land from top civil servants, Oparanya urges NLC

06 June 2021

Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya has asked the National Land Commission to assist in repossessing land allocated illegally to senior civil servants.

Oparanya said that prime plots were allocated to former and current civil servants, politicians and influential businessmen who are demanding compensation for the land.

"We are battling cases where senior public officers allocated plots fraudulently are demanding compensation. This is an area where we require NLC's intervention because the plots are lying idle," Governor Oparanya said.

Portland suffers blow in land grabbing suit

14 May 2021

A court has dismissed case filed by loss-making East African Portland Cement Company challenging recommendations of the Ndung'u Land Commission Report on inquiry into the illegal and irregular allocation of public land.

In the report released 17 years ago, the Commission recommended revocation of titles allocated to the cement maker for 22 land parcels in Machakos and Kajiado counties.

Ogieks lay case for Mt Elgon Forest reoccupation

08 June 2021

A three-judge bench has begun hearing a petition in which the Ogiek community has sued the government for evicting them from Mt Elgon Forest.

The Ogiek community living in Chepkitale in Mt Elgon Forest says the government erred in evicting them from the land and gazetting it as a national game reserve.

Community members say they have occupied the land since 1932 after colonialists chased them away from their farms in Trans Nzoia.

Their case is being heard by judges Boaz Olao, Stephen Kibunja and Nelly Matheka.

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