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Malawi Sun Hotel owners face arrest in land grab linked with Chisale

31 July 2020

Malawi Sun Hotel owners Mohammed Irshad Ahmed and Suhaik Irshad Ahmed are facing possible arrest following investigations into allegation of land grab in Blantyre City implicated together with former president Peter Mutharika’s personal bodyguard Norman Chisale.

Ahmed is accused of acquiring land through dubious means in Blantyre allocated to the developer by Ministry of Lands which was never for sale but through Chisale bulldozed to buy the land. Anti Corurption Bureau (ACB) has been investigating the matter and could possibly lead to Ahmed arrest for corruption offences.

Malawi’s former leader gained from Zimbabwe farm scheme — report

20 July 2020

Zimbabwe gave Malawi's late former president Bingu wa Mutharika a $124,111 (about R2,1m) “gift” in 2007 through the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ).

This is according to an exposé by Alex Magaisa, a law professor at the University of Kent  on Zimbabwe’s controversial farm mechanisation programme. The programme's $200m debt is being borne by taxpayers.

Govt committed to investing in Greenbelt Initiative – Mchacha

19 April 2020

The Malawi Government through the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Development says it is committed to investing in Greenbelt Initiative as one way of transforming the country’s economy.

This is according to Minister responsible Charles Mchacha who was speaking on Saturday after touring the Salima Sugar factory which is a product of Greenbelt Authority.

Mchacha who was accompanied by his Deputy Minister Esther Majaza said Greenbelt has a potential of turning around the economic status of the country hence the need to have serious investors in the sector.

Transforming politics and belief

27 September 2020

Lesotho and IFAD joint project to improve livelihoods of vulnerable small farmers

A new financing project in Lesotho is to benefit 160, 000 poor rural households. It will boost food security and nutrition, mitigate the impact of climate change and strengthen livelihoods for greater income. Women, who typically have limited access to land and finance, will make up 50 per cent of the project’s participants. About 35 per cent will be young people who face high rates of unemployment.

Drought, rising temperatures, and extreme weather pose risks to Lesotho

30 July 2020

Living in the Lesotho mountainlands comes with more than its fair share of rigors, and small-scale farmers like Mrs. Maitumeleng Mabaleka struggle to survive. Land degradation and climate change have upended traditional agricultural practices for her and many others like her who struggle to make a living or grow enough food to feed their children and build a better future.

How two rivers tell the story of Basotho's land dispossession by whites

24 July 2019

The Caledon and Vaal rivers have Sesotho names that are very instructive. The Caledon is Mohokare and the Vaal is Lekoa.

Soweto, our melting pot of nations, in part is a result of this naming. The ubiquitous migratory labour system between SA and Lesotho has a long history.

It affects Lesotho more than any country in the SADC region in which Lesotho's only neighbour is SA.

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