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'This is Not Your Home' Revealing a Brutal System of Oppression and Gender Discrimination Among India's Scheduled Tribes

16 September 2021

Researchers for a global land rights organization have published a grim assessment of the land and inheritance rights of women living in Scheduled Tribe communities of Jharkhand, India – and how the existing eco-system of laws and cultural practices perpetuate a system of terror and brutality meant to deny women of their land rights.  

South Africa

In 2019 South Africa had a population of 58.5 million people. The country has a land surface area of 1,220,000 km². Of this, around 11% of the land is arable. There are significant ecological variations ranging from dry conditions

Environ 7000 certificats fonciers délivrés dans le domaine rural (AFOR)

14 July 2021

Au total, 7 523 certificats fonciers ont été délivrés avant juin 2021 à des personnes détenant des droits coutumiers sur des terres dans le domaine rural en Côte d’Ivoire, a révélé, mardi 13 juillet 2021, à Yamoussoukro, l’Agence foncière rurale (AFOR), lors de l’atelier de formation des professionnels des médias nationaux sur la politique nationale de sécurisation foncière.


Burundi is a small landlocked country in East Africa, neighbouring Rwanda, Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Burundi has a total surface area of 27,840 km² of which 25,680 km² are land and 2160 km² are water. Burundi’s

Alleged land grabbers torch ex-minister’s sugarcane plantation

20 August 2021

Suspected land grabbers have encroached on the 60-acre piece of land belonging to Henry Kyemba, a career politician and former minister, and torched his sugarcanes plantation.

The land, located in Model Farm Village, Njeru Municipality in Buikwe District, has been used as farmland and is adjacent to the government Njeru stock farm and Lords Meade Vocational Institute.

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