Resource information
The Regulation prescribes the criteria for determining the dominant land use category in transactions with agricultural land; the information to be included in the application for transactions with agricultural land and the documents to be appended thereto; the procedures by which an agricultural land lessee and the manager of the Latvian Land Fund must exercise their pre-emptive right; the procedures by which a local government committee must be funded and established, its composition, as well as the rights and obligations of the local government committee; the procedures by which a local government committee must examine applications for transactions with agricultural land and take a decision on consent to the acquisition of agricultural land into ownership or refusal to acquire agricultural land into ownership; the procedures by which the data necessary for taking of a decision must be obtained from other State information systems; the deadlines and procedures by which a lessee or lessor of the land must inform the local government regarding the agricultural land lease contracts entered into; the procedures, by which the manager of the Land Fund of Latvia performs transactions with immovable property, including lease, purchase, sell and change agricultural land; and the procedures for calculating revenue from agricultural production.
Implements: Law on Land Privatisation in Rural Areas (1992) (2014-11-13)