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This Law, consisting of 34 articles divided into four Chapters, approves the Basic Legislation of Land Use Planning. Land use planning is subject to the following general principles: Coordination of the various public interventions with a territorial impact and a fair balance between public and private interests; Sustainability of the solutions contained in the instruments of territorial planning, in the economic, social, cultural and environmental dimensions; Subsidiarity, coordinating the procedures of the different levels of the Public Administration and the territorial levels, in order to favour the decision-making level to citizens; Fair distribution of benefits and burdens arising from the application of territorial planning instruments; Prevention, through the anticipation, prevention and reduction of causes that have effects that are likely to alter the quality of the environment; Environmental and Social Efficiency, establishing the maximum economic and social benefit for natural resources consumed and waste produced; Participation of citizens in the procedures for training, dynamics and implementation of territorial planning instruments, and guaranteeing access to the information; Legal security and protection of trust, due to the stabilization of applicable legal and regulatory regimes.The Law is divided as follows: Object and general principles (Chap. I); Legal status of soil (Chap. II); Territorial planning system (Chap. III); Final and transitional provisions (Chap. IV).