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Library Regional Law No. 979-III “On maximum of land area that can be allotted to citizens performing subsidiary smallholding in ownership or on other rights”.

Regional Law No. 979-III “On maximum of land area that can be allotted to citizens performing subsidiary smallholding in ownership or on other rights”.

Regional Law No. 979-III “On maximum of land area that can be allotted to citizens performing subsidiary smallholding in ownership or on other rights”.
Закон Республики Бурятия от 29 декабря 2004 г. N 979-III "О максимальном размере общей площади земельных участков, которые могут находиться одновременно на праве собственности и (или) ином праве у граждан, ведущих личное подсобное хозяйство".

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This Regional Law establishes that total area of land plots that can be contemporaneously owed to citizens performing subsidiary smallholding shall be established as average district land share determined at the moment of transfer of agricultural land free of charge in ownership to citizens in accordance with the acting legislation.

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Vsevolod Gnetii (CONSLEGB)

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