Resource information
These Regulations provide with respect to integrated licensing by the Environmental Protection Agency of integrated pollution control activities within the meaning of section 3 of and specified in the First Schedule to the Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992. The Regulations provide for applications for licences, reviews of licences or revised licences, consideration by the Agency of objections, including the holding of oral hearings, public participation procedures associated with the integrated pollution control licensing system administered by the Agency and the contents of the register of integrated pollution control licences. They also: provide with respect to the register of licences required under section 91 of the Act; require the Agency to have regard, in fulfilling its duty under section 83(4)(a) of the Act, to the principal polluting substances listed in the First Schedule to these Regulations; and prescribe offences for the purposes of section 84(4)(a) of the Act.
Implements: Environmental Protection Agency Act, 1992. (1992-04-23)