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This Act aims at transferring to and vesting in the Government the ownership and possession of all ecologically fragile lands held by any person in order to minimize the degradation of these ecosystems and their biological diversity.The Government shall have the right to declare any land to be ecologically fragile land which shall be deemed to be reserved forests according to the provisions of this Act.The Act provides for the constitution and functions of an Advisory Committee which shall be responsible for identifying ecologically fragile lands which shall then be managed by Forest Departments.The Act further makes provisions for the following: demarcation of boundaries of the ecologically fragile lands; compensations of vesting; constitution of tribunals for the purpose of this Act and settlement of disputes; etc.
Amended by: Kerala Forest (Vesting and Management of Ecologically Fragile Lands) Amendment Act, 2009 (Act No. 32 of 2009). (2009)