Resource information
This Decree is composed of 4 Parts divided into 4 chapters and 30 articles. Part I defines stone quarries and their places. Chapters I to IV deal with the following matters: the National Council for Stone Quarries; licences; exploiter’s obligations during and after the period of exploitation transfer; and, amendment and extension of licences. Investment allowances and compensations are dealt with in Part II. Parts III and IV contain violation seizures, penalties provisions, and transitional provisions.
Amended by: Decree No. 10830 of 2003 amending Decree No. 8803 of 2002 regulating stones quarries. (2003-09-06)
Amended by: Decree No. 10608 of 2003 amending Decree No. 8803 of 2002 regulating stone quarries. (2003-08-05)
Amended by: Decree No. 10609 of 2000 amending Decree No. 8803 regulating stone quarries. (2003-08-05)
Amended by: Decree No. 1735 of 2009 amending Decree No. 8803 of 2002 and its amendments regulating stone quarries and stone crackers. (2009-04-14)
Amended by: Decree No 2523 of 2009 amending Decree No. 8803 of 2002 regulating stone quarries and crushers. (2009-07-17)
Amended by: Circular No. 6/1 of 2009 of the Ministry of Environment publishing the detailed maps of sites attached to Decree No. 8803/2002 regulating stone quarries and crushers and amendments. (2009-10-12)