Landless women, hopeless women? Gender, land and decentralisation in Niger
Resource information
Date of publication
January 2006
ISBN / Resource ID
Drylands Issue Paper 143
This paper is a summary of a regional case study on gender, land and decentralisation. The main study has two parts: three portraits of women showing different examples of access to natural resources and local leadership; and a general report based on the portraits and on interviews carried out in seven study sites in Maradi and Zinder regions in Niger.
A simplified table of contents follows: 1. Introduction; 2. Changing Systems of Agricultural Production; 3. Changing Modes of Access to Land and Natural Resources; 4. The feminisation of poverty: an irreversible process or the emergence of new possibilities?; 5. Conclusions.
You can download this publication from the website of the International Institute for Environment and Development.