A deeper look at what the results of the 33 wave 1 and 2 countries show about urban land tenure security. This report compliments the Prindex Comparative Report by focusing on a specific aspect of land and tenure insecurity.
This report uses household-level data from 33, mostly developing, countries to analyse perceptions of tenure insecurity among women. We test two hypotheses: (1) that women feel more insecure than men; and (2) that increasing statutory protections for women, for instance by issuing joint named…
Property rights are a cornerstone of economic development and social justice. A fundamental way of understanding the strength of property rights is through citizens' perceptions of them. Yet perceptions of tenure security have never been collected at a global scale.
The lack of global…
The critical role of forests in climate change mitigation and adaptation is now widely recognized. Forests contribute significantly to climate change mitigation through their carbon sink and carbon storage functions. They play an essential role in reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing…
Milones de personas de todo el mundo dependen de recursos naturales, como la tierra, la pesca y los bosques, que se utilizan de manera colectiva como propiedadescomunales. Estas son fundamentales para la cultura, el bienestar y la identidad cultural. Como fuente de alimentos e ingresos,…
La FAO ha presentado a título de contribución a la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Agua un documento de base titulado "Agua para la Agricultura" (DOC. E/CONF.70/ 11). Este documento pasa en revista los aspectos técnicos, económicos y sociales del agua en la agricultura y…
The habitat of tsetse fly (Glossina spp.) depends upon climatic conditions, host availability and land cover characteristics. In this paper, the Land Cover Classification System (LCCS), developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP…
Geospatial datasets and analysis techniques based on geographic information systems (GIS) have become indispensable tools in the planning, implementation and evaluation of a wide range of development programmes, including actions addressing sustainable agriculture and rural development. The…
Este estudio es una contribución más en la tarea de realizar un inventario mundial de experiencias nacionales en el campo de la legislación y administración de aguas. Dado su interés en fomentar la producción agrícola, que requiere un mayor uso consultivo del recurso agua, la FAO se ha ocupado…
<a href="http://www.fao.org/tenure">www.fao.org/tenure</a>
Afin d’améliorer la gouvernance foncière et de garantir les droits fonciers de tous dans la
Date: 2019
Source: <a href="http://www.foncier-developpement.fr/publication/note-acces-des-femmes-a-la-terre-au-… & Développement</a>, Inter-…
The report “Transforming the livestock sector through the sustainable development goals” examines the sector’s interaction with each of the SDGs, as well as the potential synergies, trade-offs, and complex interlinkages involved. The publication is intended to serve as a reference framework for…