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Peer-reviewed publication
July 2019

Recent debates in social anthropology on land acquisitions highlight the need to go further back in history in order to analyse their impacts on local livelihoods. The debate over the commons in economic and ecological anthropology helps us understand some of today’s dynamics by looking at…

Reports & Research
April 2019

The final report of Mid-term evaluation of EU-IFAD Grant project "Restoration of degraded land for food security and poverty reduction in East Africa and the Sahel: taking successes in land restoration to scale".

Reports & Research
April 2019

Tetra Tech’s land tenure and property rights experts examine how weak land and resource governance can fuel drivers of violent extremism. With a focus on the African Sahel, this new issue brief finds this dynamic is especially prevalent when land and resource governance challenges are coupled…

Reports & Research
March 2019

Ce guide est le fruit d’une formation portant sur le consentement préalable, donné librement et en connaissance de cause (CPLCC) et le partage d’autres outils développés au niveau local qui s’est tenue les 2 et 3 mai 2018 à Kayes au Mali*. Cette formation a réuni une cinquantaine de participants…

Journal Articles & Books
March 2019

Une nouvelle approche reposant sur l'étude juridique et anthropologique des différents systèmes d'exploitation du delta intérieur du Niger (Mali) et de leurs interactions permet de démontrer l'imbrication fondamentale du fonds (défini comme substrat, support des éléments biotiques…

Journal Articles & Books
February 2019

The AQUASTAT Programme was initiated with a view to presenting a comprehensive picture of water resources and irrigation in developing countries and providing systematic, upto-date and reliable information on water for agriculture and rural development. This report presents the results of the…

Journal Articles & Books
January 2019

The habitat of tsetse fly (Glossina spp.) depends upon climatic conditions, host availability and land cover characteristics. In this paper, the Land Cover Classification System (LCCS), developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP…

Journal Articles & Books
January 2019

Geospatial datasets and analysis techniques based on geographic information systems (GIS) have become indispensable tools in the planning, implementation and evaluation of a wide range of development programmes, including actions addressing sustainable agriculture and rural development. The…

Journal Articles & Books
January 2019

La FAO a soumis ft titre de contribution ft la Conférence des Nations Unies sur l'eau un document de base intitulé "L'eau pour l'agriculture" (DOC. E/CONF. 70/11). Ce document passe en revue les aspects techniques, économiques et sociaux de l'eau en agriculture et…

Reports & Research
December 2018

The Land Use Bill objective is to guarantee the continued existence of communal and family land in accordance with the culture and tradition of the people of Cross River State/Nigeria in so far as the culture and tradition are in accordance with equity, natural justice and good conscience. The…