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This Act establishes a system of integrated coastal and estuarine management in South Africa. The Act provides, within the framework of the National Environmental Management Act, for the coordinated and integrated management of the coastal zone by all spheres of government in accordance with the…


This Ministerial Resolution Law is composed of 15 articles. Article 1 prohibits the establishment of buildings, facilities or the division of lands outside boundaries of urban cordons approved for villages and cities, with the exception of projects for agricultural production and livestock, as…


This Act stipulates that the fund established in terms of section 3 of the African Development Fund Act shall, on and after the fixed date, continue in existence and shall be known as the District Development Fund. The trustee of the Fund shall be the Minister of Local Government, Rural and…


This Act provides for the granting of various rights relative to prospecting and mining of minerals, for environmental obligations related to mining operations and other duties of persons carrying out mining operations, and control of mining operations. “Minerals” is defined so as to exclude…


This Act establishes the National Museums of Kenya as a body corporate and provides for the protection of national natural and cultural heritage (as defined). The National Museums of Kenya shall, among other things, identify, protect, conserve and transmit the cultural and natural heritage of…

National Policies

Le présent document constitue l'actualisation du Schéma Directeur du secteur Développement Rural (SDDR) Version 2000. Il s’agit d’un Schéma multisectoriel d’une portée nationale qui vise à confirmer les grandes orientations du développement du secteur rural adoptées par les Etats Généraux…


This Act makes provision for the establishment of a traditional authority by a traditional community, e.g. an indigenous social group as defined by this Act. The Act further provides for the establishment of traditional councils and the appointment of a traditional leader, e.g. a chief or…


The Minister may prescribe different rates with respect to different categories of owners or different categories of agricultural land, differentiating on the basis of any one or more of the following: (i) nationality or residence of owner; (ii) size of agricultural land; (iii) the number of…


This Act provides for further definitions of certain expressions and various amendments concerning functions and powers and organizational structure of the Land Reform Advisory Commission of the Agricultural (Commercial) Land Reform Act, 1995. The definition in section 1 of "alienate"…

National Policies

The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) is a multi-sectoral planning instrument applicable at the national level and aiming at contributing to the protection of biodiversity in Botswana. The NBSAP vision was developed based on the principles of sustainable development,…


This Act provides with respect to the administration, structure, operations, powers, responsibilities and (additional) functions of the National Land Commission established immediately upon passing of this Act. The Commission shall be independent from the Government and shall propose, advocate…


Est créée l'entreprise du pôle technologique pour la valorisation des richesses sahariennes et pour le perfectionnement de l'exploitation des capacités qui s'y trouvent. Le pôle technologique est placé sous la tutelle du ministre de l'agriculture, des ressources hydrauliques…