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Tropenbos International


Tropenbos International envisions a future in which forests and trees are used sustainably for the benefit of local people and the global community. By using evidence to make conscious choices and finding the right balance between the needs of all the stakeholders involved, we contribute to sustainable solutions for forested landscapes.

Tropenbos International (TBI) brings the knowledge together to address complex questions regarding sustainable management of forests and trees, organizes interactions with all the stakeholders and actively helps to create broad support.

IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative


Climate change, deforestation and poverty are global issues that go beyond the reach of single companies or governments; it takes public-private cooperation to solve them.

IDH, The Sustainable Trade Initiative brings governments, companies, CSOs and financiers together in action driven coalitions. We orchestrate the powers of law, of entrepreneurship and investments to work together to create solutions for global sustainability issues at scale.

LTS International

We want to leave a positive footprint on the world, helping to improve people’s lives and reduce inequalities on a sustainably healthy planet.

Also known as our mission, the purpose stands behind all of the company strategy – it is our reason for being, it guides everything we do. The specific words are less important than the “spirit” of the idea.

We are a consultancy and project management firm with 45 years of global experience in tackling complex facets of climate change, forestry, water resources, ecosystems and institutional governance.


Proforest is a unique, non-profit group that supports companies, governments and other organisations to implement their commitments to the responsible production and sourcing of agricultural commodities and forest products.

We work through a combination of programmes and consultancy services to provide the most appropriate and up-to-date support to our partners and clients.

Rural Development Centre


The Rural Development Centre (RUDEC) is a Community based Organization with a mission to promote Private/Public Partnership in the deep countryside of the South West Region of Cameroon. 

It was created in 1995 and filed for official approval in August, 2002 in accordance with Law No 92/006 of August 14th and its Decree of Implementation No. 92/455/PM of 23rd November 1992 in Cameroon relating to the creation of Cooperatives and Common Initiative Groups.

Instituto Socioambiental

O Instituto Socioambiental (ISA) é uma organização da sociedade civil brasileira, sem fins lucrativos, fundada em 1994, para propor soluções de forma integrada a questões sociais e ambientais com foco central na defesa de bens e direitos sociais, coletivos e difusos relativos ao meio ambiente, ao patrimônio cultural, aos direitos humanos e dos povos.


Editora UFS

Editora UFS
A Editora UFS, composta pelo Conselho Editorial e pela Coordenação Gráfica, tem como missão atuar na divulgação da produção cultural e científica tanto da comunidade universitária quanto da sociedade como um todo. Através do lançamento periódico de editais e da publicação de obras avulsas, esta Editora tem realizado um trabalho de divulgação de obras científicas e culturais produzidas por autores sergipanos e do restante do Brasil.


Conservation International

A global conservation legacy

Conservation International works to spotlight and secure the critical benefits that nature provides to humanity. Since our inception, we’ve helped to protect more than 6 million square kilometers (2.3 million square miles) of land and sea across more than 70 countries. Currently with offices in 29 countries and 2,000 partners worldwide, our reach is truly global.

Our Mission

Land Use Policy

Land Use Policy is an international and interdisciplinary journal concerned with the social, economic, political, legal, physical and planning aspects of urban and rural land use. It provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information from the diverse range of disciplines and interest groups which must be combined to formulate effective land use policies.


No final dos anos 1980, as imagens de destruição da Amazônia começavam a ganhar destaque na imprensa nacional e mundial. O desmatamento acelerado, as queimadas, a exploração predatória de madeira e a proliferação dos garimpos de ouro exerciam grande pressão ambiental e social sobre a região. Nessa época, o ecólogo norte-americano Christopher Uhl, então pesquisador visitante da Embrapa, realizava pesquisas sobre as áreas degradadas no leste do Pará e preocupava-se com o pouco entendimento e a escassa documentação dessas transformações na paisagem Amazônica.

UN-REDD Programme

Deforestation and forest degradation account for approximately 11 percent of carbon emissions, more than the entire global transportation sector and second only to the energy sector. It is now clear that in order to constrain the impacts of climate change within limits that society will reasonably be able to tolerate, global average temperatures must be stabilized within two degrees Celsius. This will be practically impossible to achieve without reducing emissions from the forest sector, in addition to other mitigation actions.

Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences


The Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences(JIRCAS) was established in October 1993, through the reorganization of its predecessor, the Tropical Agriculture Research Center (TARC), in order to include overseas forestry and fisheries research in its mandate. It was again restructured in April, 2001 as an Incorporated Administrative Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF).

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