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Center for International Forestry Research


The Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is a non-profit, scientific facility that conducts research on the most pressing challenges of forest and landscapes management around the world. With our global, multidisciplinary approach, we aim to improve human well-being, protect the environment, and increase equity. To do so, we help policymakers, practitioners and communities make decisions based on solid science about how they use and manage their forests and landscapes.


AFR100 (the African Forest Landscape Restoration Initiative) is a country-led effort to bring 100 million hectares of land in Africa into restoration by 2030. It aims to accelerate restoration to enhance food security, increase climate change resilience and mitigation, and combat rural poverty. 

OroVerde – The Tropical Forest Foundation

Founded in Germany by individuals from business and the natural sciences in 1989, OroVerde (“Green Gold”) is a non-profit foundation that initiates, supports, and promotes projects that conserve tropical forests. Though headquartered in Bonn, Germany, OroVerde works on projects in Indonesia and many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, including Guatemala, Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador, Dominican Republic and Cuba.

Global Canopy

At Global Canopy we focus on the market forces driving two thirds of deforestation worldwide.

We do not create protected areas to keep rainforests standing, but focus instead on the production, trade and financing of the key commodities responsible for agricultural expansion into tropical forests.

We provide data, insight and guidance for the companies, investors and governments already taking positive action, and help shine a light on those that need to do more.


Forests (ISSN 1999-4907) is an international and cross-disciplinary scholarly journal of forestry and forest ecology. It publishes research papers, short communications and review papers. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical research in as much detail as possible. Full experimental and/or methodical details must be provided for research articles.

There are, in addition, unique features of this journal:

Landscape Finance Lab


Established in April 2016, the Lab is incubating a portfolio of landscape programs.  We are focused exclusively on programs covering over a million hectares, million tonnes of traded goods, million tonnes greenhouse gases, and $100 million investment size.

Our purpose is to:

  Enable high quality landscape programs in global biodiversity priority places – using jurisdictional REDD+, land degradation neutrality, catchment management and landscape sourcing approaches.


Society for Ecological Restoration


Incorporated in 1988, the Society for Ecological Restoration is a global community of restoration professionals that includes researchers, practitioners, decision-makers, and community leaders from Africa, Asia, Australia/New Zealand, Europe, and the Americas. SER members are actively engaged in the ecologically sensitive repair and recovery of degraded ecosystems utilizing a broad array of experiences, knowledge sets, and cultural perspectives. 

The Forest Trust


Earthworm Foundation is a non-profit organisation built on values and driven by the desire to positively impact the relationship between people and nature.

With most of our staff operating directly on the ground where the issues are, we work with our members and partners to make value chains an engine of prosperity for communities and ecosystems.




O Instituto Tricontinental de Pesquisa Social é uma instituição internacional, orientada pelos movimentos populares, focada em estimular o debate intelectual para o serviço das aspirações do povo.

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