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Issues Land & Conflicts related News
Displaying 217 - 228 of 437
21 November 2018
The Yawuru people’s ancestral lands lie in the Kimberley region of Western Australia, Australia’s largest state. Over the Yawuru people’s strong objections, the Australian company Buru Energy has installed two shale-gas fracking wells on Yawuru land. Although the wells are currently inactive due to
19 November 2018
QUITO, ECUADOR — Thousands of activists and indigenous leaders have gathered in Quito after a 10-day march across Ecuador in defense of water and land rights. An estimated 2,000 people joined in towns and cities along the route, which began in Tundayme in the Amazonian province of Napo on November
14 November 2018
Latest legal skirmish in a long battle between activists and the company building the pipeline, which is also behind Keystone XL
8 November 2018
Papua New Guinea has embarked on a surge of building projects in Port Moresby as the capital city prepares to host the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit. In the buildup to the summit, thousands of people were evicted from a settlement in Paga Hill, which is next to the conference
7 November 2018
By most accounts, Benjamin Ramos died doing exactly what he had always done as a human rights lawyer: helping his clients free of charge.
7 November 2018
Tribal group reignite protest on anniversary of attack that saw members killed, thousands 'evicted from ancestral lands' Rights activists and Santals have renewed calls on the government to return large swathes of disputed land to the ethnic minority community in northern Bangladesh. The call was
5 November 2018
The planned prosecution of Supreme Court judges who acquitted 11 peasant farmers jailed over the death of police officers during a violent land eviction in 2012, known as the Curuguaty Massacre”, could undermine the rule of law, a UN expert said on Monday. “These are fundamental elements in the
30 October 2018
Sri Lanka’s civil war ended nearly a decade ago, but Maithili Thamil Chilwen’s barren plot of land still resembles a battlefield. There is only a mound of dirt where her home once stood in Keppapilavu village in the country’s northeast; the rest is just dirt, gravel, and broken shards of doors
29 October 2018
After the court victory, the community said they will remain vigilant and continue "fighting until we have legal title over our entire ancestral homeland." The Indigenous Cofan people of Sinangoe in the Ecuadorean Amazon, have achieved a significant judicial victory after the provincial court of
29 October 2018
As energy-hungry India seeks to fuel its continued economic growth, millions of people are being pushed out of their homes by companies, villagers say By Megha Bahree PIDARWAH, India - Siyaram Saket refuses to give up his one-and-a-half acres of farmland in central India - no matter how much
27 October 2018
KAMPALA. Former presidential candidate Dr Kizza Beisgye has vowed to continue the fight against land grabbers in the country until he wins the battle. Dr Besigye was addressing residents of Lusanja in Wakiso District who were evicted by a tycoon known as Kiconco Medard on October 12. “Land
25 October 2018
Scotland's parliament set land reform as one of its key priorities when it was established in 1997 EDINBURGH, Oct 25 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - When the residents of Garbh Allt in the Scottish Highlands were offered the chance to buy their land from the wealthy family behind the brutal

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