Rethinking Land Security as a Verb
Banner Image Credits: Photo by Ashwini Chaudhary(Monty) on Unsplash | Free to use under the Unsplash License
Banner Image Credits: Photo by Ashwini Chaudhary(Monty) on Unsplash | Free to use under the Unsplash License
An Indigenous community in the Colombian Amazon learns basic land surveying to fix the errors of the past.
India Land and Development Conference, ILDC is back with its eighth episode at the picturesque FLAME University in Pune this week. It has been quite a journey for this collaborative convening. Despite its 8th edition, it has emerged as a globally recognized land convergence event, drawing attention from far and near.
Just thinking of a conference on a topic like ‘Land’, in a country like India, is in itself a big challenge, forget organizing it year after year, for eight years - setting a stature that has grown every year!
India has made significant strides in empowering women over the past few decades, starting with self-help groups (SHGs) that became powerful vehicles for social inclusion. Government and NGO efforts later expanded to skilling and livelihood initiatives, helping women increase their income and build small businesses within their communities. Yet, despite this progress, the urgent need remains for a long-term, sustainable solution to women's empowerment.
Reliable tamper-proof records with a real time link between Registration, Survey and Revenue departments with common shared textual and spatial data that are geo-referenced and ground-truthed so that there is no need for repeated universal ground survey.
With USAID support, an Afro-Colombian community received a collective land title, guaranteeing ownership of their traditional lands.
Inclusive land governance at the local level allows for the community’s broader governance ‘muscle’ to be exercised in a constructive and practical way. This can reduce conflict and spark transformative social change.
Rapid response mechanisms (RRMs) are a new, proactive legal approach designed to provide legal and technical support to communities facing nascent conflicts related to land-based investments. RRMs provide preventative rather than reactive legal help the moment a conflict arises or community members’ rights are threatened, rather than trying to reverse rights violations once they have already occurred.
This blog discusses how the increase in population presents a challenge for land tenure management in Namibia’s communal areas.
Buea, a picturesque city in the foothills of Mount Cameroon, is experiencing rapid urban development in the region. However, the town faces a number of urban governance and environmental challenges such as poor waste management, deforestation and poor air quality amongst others that demand urgent attention. Recognizing the critical importance of addressing these challenges, this policy brief aims to highlight the complexities of urban governance and environmental management in Buea.