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Displaying 757 - 768 of 2448

Financing the Environment : Ukraine's Road to Effective Environmental Management

August, 2013

This study presents a detailed analysis
of the system of environmental expenditure in Ukraine with a
particular focus on public expenditures. It examines the
extent to which the present system meets national
environmental objectives and identifies ways in which it can
be improved and made more cost-effective. Since
environmental spending is closely tied to sources of
environmental revenues (partly a result of earmarking and

When Things Fall Apart : Qualitative Studies of Poverty in the Former Soviet Union

August, 2013

This book documents the experiences of
men, women, and children in Armenia, Georgia, the Kyrgyz
Republic, Latvia, Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and
Uzbekistan as they struggle with the dramatic changes in
lifestyle and extreme poverty that followed the collapse of
the Soviet Union. Based on hundreds of open-ended interviews
conducted by local people over a span of five years, this
book captures the particularities of poverty in each

The Poverty/Environment Nexus in Cambodia and Lao People's Democratic Republic

August, 2014

Environmental degradation can inflict
serious damage on poor people because their livelihoods
often depend on natural resource use and their living
conditions may offer little protection from air, water, and
soil pollution. At the same time, poverty-constrained
options may induce the poor to deplete resources and degrade
the environment at rates that are incompatible with
long-term sustainability. In such cases, degraded resources

A Critical Review of the Literature on Structural Adjustment and the Environment

May, 2014

This paper analyzes the available
literature about the effects of structural adjustment
programs (SAPs) on the environment and the convincing
evidence for their success or failure. The studies covered
refer to the SAPs by the World Bank as well as to general
government programs that have similar policy implications.
SAPs are designed to reform economies to become more
liberalized and export-oriented while reducing the role of

Managing Disaster Risk in Emerging Economies

August, 2013

This book presents papers on several
events organized by the World Bank's Disaster
Management Fund (DMF). The DMF's objectives are to help
the Bank provide a more strategic and rapid response to
disaster emergencies and to integrate disaster prevention
and mitigation measures in all Bank activities. Part I of
this book on risk identification contains chapters on the
economic impacts on natural disasters in developing

India : Environmental Sustainability in the 1990s, A Country Assistance Evaluation

September, 2014

India's environmental problems
are deep-rooted and severe. Estimates of annual
environmental damage range from 4.5 percent to 8 percent of
gross domestic product (GDP), in line with annual economic
growth. Since 1990 the World Bank has lent India 1.94
billion dollars for 19 projects to mitigate environmental
damage and another 97 million dollars was granted under
global environmental facility (GEF) and Montreal protocol

Free Trade Area Membership as a Stepping Stone to Development : The Case of ASEAN

June, 2013

This study investigates the economic
impacts of accession to the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) by
the new member countries of Cambodia, the Lao PDR, Myanmar,
and Vietnam. The trade policies of these countries are
examined, and a series of quantitative analyses were
undertaken to evaluate the impacts of accession. The results
showed that the static impacts of reducing tariffs against
ASEAN members are beneficial, although the magnitude of the

Hunting of Wildlife in Tropical Forests : Implications for Biodiversity and Forest Peoples

May, 2014

The study addresses the importance of
wildlife to people, and as a resource of nutritional,
economic, and socio-cultural values, and examines the
complexities of hunting in tropical forests. It also
expresses that today, such hunting is rarely sustainable,
because of declining forest areas, which decreases wildlife
populations; because of changes among human populations in
the tropical forests, who have increasingly become more

City Development Strategy and City Assistance Programme : Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Volume 1

September, 2013

In conformity with its objective of
functioning as a local Government, Kathmandu Metropolitan
City (KMC) sought the assistance of the World Bank for the
preparation of a City Development Strategy (CDS) for
Kathmandu. The various sectoral as well as integrated
strategies presented in this document seem to be an
overwhelming demand on KMC with its limited manpower and
money. However, a CDS is essential if KMC is to focus its

Can Africa Claim the 21st Century?

November, 2015

Major changes are needed if Africans and
their children are to claim the 21st century. With the
rapidly growing population, 5 percent annual growth is
needed simply to keep the number of poor from rising.
Halving severe poverty by 2015 will require annual growth of
more than 7 percent, along with a more equitable
distribution of income. Trends in Africa will need to change
radically for a catch-up process to materialize. This will

Environmental Health : Bridging the Gaps

June, 2013

This discussion paper: a) proposes a new
approach of targeted collaboration among different sectors;
b) devises new tools or enhances existing ones to facilitate
the contributions of different sectors to help relieve
health problems; and c) puts theory into practice through a
pilot in Ghana. The report is divided into three parts. Part
1 explains the foundations of environmental health and
proposes a new approach that taps health benefits

Population, Energy and Environment Program : Comparative Analysis on the Distribution of Oil Rents

August, 2014

The issue of administering the
distribution of oil rents is the subject of increased debate
among oil companies, civil society, development agencies,
and governments, which tacit agreement suggests that regions
where oil and gas production takes place, in particular the
communities, ought to receive "indemnifications"
due to damages, and losses derived from the use of land for
oil production operations. Such debate sparked the need for