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Displaying 769 - 780 of 2448

Free Trade Area Membership as a Stepping Stone to Development : The Case of ASEAN

June, 2013

This study investigates the economic
impacts of accession to the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) by
the new member countries of Cambodia, the Lao PDR, Myanmar,
and Vietnam. The trade policies of these countries are
examined, and a series of quantitative analyses were
undertaken to evaluate the impacts of accession. The results
showed that the static impacts of reducing tariffs against
ASEAN members are beneficial, although the magnitude of the

Hunting of Wildlife in Tropical Forests : Implications for Biodiversity and Forest Peoples

May, 2014

The study addresses the importance of
wildlife to people, and as a resource of nutritional,
economic, and socio-cultural values, and examines the
complexities of hunting in tropical forests. It also
expresses that today, such hunting is rarely sustainable,
because of declining forest areas, which decreases wildlife
populations; because of changes among human populations in
the tropical forests, who have increasingly become more

City Development Strategy and City Assistance Programme : Kathmandu Metropolitan City, Volume 1

September, 2013

In conformity with its objective of
functioning as a local Government, Kathmandu Metropolitan
City (KMC) sought the assistance of the World Bank for the
preparation of a City Development Strategy (CDS) for
Kathmandu. The various sectoral as well as integrated
strategies presented in this document seem to be an
overwhelming demand on KMC with its limited manpower and
money. However, a CDS is essential if KMC is to focus its

Can Africa Claim the 21st Century?

November, 2015

Major changes are needed if Africans and
their children are to claim the 21st century. With the
rapidly growing population, 5 percent annual growth is
needed simply to keep the number of poor from rising.
Halving severe poverty by 2015 will require annual growth of
more than 7 percent, along with a more equitable
distribution of income. Trends in Africa will need to change
radically for a catch-up process to materialize. This will

Environmental Health : Bridging the Gaps

June, 2013

This discussion paper: a) proposes a new
approach of targeted collaboration among different sectors;
b) devises new tools or enhances existing ones to facilitate
the contributions of different sectors to help relieve
health problems; and c) puts theory into practice through a
pilot in Ghana. The report is divided into three parts. Part
1 explains the foundations of environmental health and
proposes a new approach that taps health benefits

Population, Energy and Environment Program : Comparative Analysis on the Distribution of Oil Rents

August, 2014

The issue of administering the
distribution of oil rents is the subject of increased debate
among oil companies, civil society, development agencies,
and governments, which tacit agreement suggests that regions
where oil and gas production takes place, in particular the
communities, ought to receive "indemnifications"
due to damages, and losses derived from the use of land for
oil production operations. Such debate sparked the need for

Bangladesh : Climate Change and Sustainable Development

September, 2013

The study examines Bangladesh's
extreme vulnerability to climate change, whose low-lying
topography, and funnel-shaped coast, further exposes the
land to cyclones, and tidal surges, resulting in seasonal
floods. These factors, and the large population base,
widespread poverty, aggravated by the lack of strong
institutional development, makes the country particularly
vulnerable to climate variability. Various climatic factors,

Natural Resources Management

August, 2012

Participatory community-based Natural
Resources Management (NRM) Projects have been implemented
over the last 5-6 years in Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, and
Niger with the support of France, Germany, Norway, the
United States, and the World Bank's International
Development Association facility. Furthermore, pilot
operation concentrating on specific NRM issues are underway
in Chad (pastoral perimeters) and Guinea (land tenure

Drivers of Sustainable Rural Growth and Poverty Reduction in Central America : Guatemala Case Study, Volume 2. Background Papers and Technical Appendices

July, 2013
Central America

This regional study encompasses three
Central American countries: Nicaragua, Guatemala and
Honduras. The focus of this report is Guatemala. The study
is motivated by several factors: First is the recognition
that sub-national regions are becoming increasingly
heterogeneous, and economically differentiated as part of
ongoing processes of development and diversification, with
some areas advancing, and others being left behind. Second

The Republic of Yemen : Comprehensive Development Review, Environment

August, 2013

The review focuses on development and
the environment in Yemen, particularly analyzing the
environment resource base, where renewable fresh water is
scarce, mainly ground water, and its over exploitation is
one of the country's major environmental problems.
Fisheries resources are also important, while oil and gas
are significant resources contributing to some eighty five
percent of Yemen's export revenues. Environmental

The Prototype Carbon Fund in Latin America : Lessons Learned

August, 2012
Latin America and the Caribbean

Reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and
other greenhouse gases that affect climate change is one of
the key challenges facing the international community. The
Bank's Prototype Carbon Fund (PCF) provides a framework
for action, learning, and research to demonstrate how
greenhouse gas emission reduction transactions can
contribute to sustainable development, while lowering the
costs of compliance with the Kyoto Protocol-the 1997

Poverty Reduction and the Millennium Development Goal on Environmental Sustainability : Opportunities for Alignment

May, 2014

About 50 countries have prepared interim
and full Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs). In this
context, this paper examines Millennium Development Goal
(MDG)7: Ensuring Environmental Sustainability, its targets
and indicators, and responds to three questions: To what
extent do PRSPs define and adopt targets and indicators that
align with those of MDG7? To what extent do the available
data allow tracking of progress with respect to MDG7? When