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Good Land Governance: The Problems of Transition to Transparency, Participation, and Accountability

11 July 2023
Sahar El Jallad

Good Land Governance is a governance system that aims to protect the property rights of individuals and enterprises based on following good governance principles like accountability, transparency, the rule of law, effectiveness, efficiency, equality and public participation (Espinoza et al, 2016; Zakout et al., 2006). The line of criticism applied to notions of Good Land Administration or Good Land Governance is their vague and rather declarative character.

Embracing Transformative leadership for women’s land rights for sustainable change

07 June 2023
Naomi Shadrack

In the past decade, the land rights movement, particularly the women's land rights movement, has significantly made progress in strengthening the recognition of land rights in national, regional and international instruments. Despite the progress, translating these recommendations into legislative provisions and practices in countries has been slow or minimal.

Climate resilient land-use planning in Mozambique

03 November 2022
Berta Rafael
Wytske Chamberlain - van der Werf

From 6-18 November, Egypt will host the COP27 Climate Summit. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Despite this long trajectory and the progress made, climate change has increasingly severe effects across the world. The LAND-at-scale program acknowledges the central role of climate change. In a short series of blogs, the knowledge management team highlights the diverse impact that climate change has on communities across the world, and how LAND-at-scale projects contribute to adaptation and mitigation measures on the ground.

A Story about Maize: Tracing a value chain from land-use to supermarket shelf

13 May 2022
Daniel Hayward


Maize is a key global cash crop, produced in every continent except Antarctica. As a flex crop, it has multiple uses including for direct human consumption, as an ingredient for animal feed, as a key component in processed foods, or in ethanol production. According to figures from FAOSTAT, global production increased from 0.2 to 1.2 billion tons between 1961 and 2020.

Leveling the playing field for inclusive territorial development: Going beyond technical solutions

07 February 2022
Mr. Francisco Carranza
Dr. Paolo Groppo
Fenella Henderson-Howat
Marco De Gaetano
 The focus of our interest on “territories” has always been on the continuous interaction between humans and nature. Different and sometimes conflicting values, visions and interests related to the use and management of natural resources coexist in a given territory and have to be oriented (if possible) towards a common ground. Negotiation is the means to conduct this dialogue towards an agreement.

Interview with Javier Molina Cruz: Taking the VGGT to the Next Level

26 October 2021
Javier Molina Cruz

Over the past nine years, the project on Supporting Implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests (VGGT) has helped countries make political commitments towards the eradication of hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition, with the explicit outcome of increasing awareness among decision makers, development partners, and society at large regarding access to natural resources. The Food a

CALL FOR PAPERS: Building Power, Deepening Democracy: Global Perspectives on Environmental Justice

05 August 2021

Submission Deadline: All manuscripts should be submitted for consideration by December 31, 2021.

The global environmental crisis is intertwined with the crisis of social and economic inequality. From coal plants to palm oil plantations, economic activities that threaten the planet are concentrated in communities with less power and wealth. “You can’t have climate change without sacrifice zones,” writes Hop Hopkins, “and you can’t have sacrifice zones without disposable people.”1