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Issues rural population related News
Displaying 37 - 48 of 90
28 February 2019
Este miércoles en la sede de la Comisión de la Verdad se llevó a cabo el seminario ‘Despojo de tierras’, que contó con la participación de los expertos en el tema de tierras Darío Fajardo y Alejandro Reyes y el comisionado Alfredo Molano. En el seminario, se discutió y se aportaron luces sobre la
20 February 2019
A new UN Declaration protects peasant rights to land, seeds, and adequate incomes with an emphasis on civil and social rights. Peasants, which includes small-scale farmers, rural workers, fishing communities, pastoralists and landless agriculture workers, have been recognized as a vulnerable
9 February 2019
Johannesburg - Wherever she goes, Nonhle Mbuthuma expects to feel the cold metal tip of a gun pressed against her head. The land and environmental rights campaigner knows she could pay the ultimate price in her unwavering fight to protect her unspoilt, ancestral land from mining. “I don’t feel safe
9 January 2019
In the annual review of the Agrarian Reform Consortium, secretary-general Dewi Kartika displayed some interesting infographics. Presenting the government, the business sector and civil society organizations (CSO) as three circles, it was evident that over time, the business sector grew in size and
5 January 2019
Throughout human history, private property has been a subject of debates. In some societies and communities, private property has become a foundation of democracy and freedom. In some others, strict control over property and severe limitations imposed on property ownership and rights created a
4 January 2019
Global climate negotiations take place on the international stage, bolstered by countries’ national policies. But preventing greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and other land-use changes requires work at the local level. For those efforts to be effective, it is important to understand
21 December 2018
Last month, top Colombian economic minds gathered in Bogotá for a Grand Economic Forum on attracting investment as the country emerges from a decades-long civil war.
18 December 2018
For millions of people worldwide, land is a fundamental asset and source of wealth, security, social status, and economic opportunity. Secure land rights provide the foundation to improve lives and create pathways out of poverty – for women, families, and whole communities. Landesa’s work securing
18 December 2018
We do not need to search too far to find a roadmap for a global New Deal for Nature and People. By not viewing environmental issues as human rights issues, gross human rights abuses can occur while weakening humanity’s ability to combat climate change. If the global community is to make
27 November 2018
The Joint Constitutional Review Committee has now adopted a resolution that Section 25 of the Constitution be amended to allow expropriation without compensation. If undertaken correctly structural change in the architecture of the legislation and its institutions, as proposed by the High Level
26 October 2018
A Constitutional Court ruling on Thursday has fundamentally changed the power balance between mining companies and communities. The court upheld the Lesethleng community’s land tenure rights, meaning companies will no longer simply be able to evict occupants of the land they want to mine. 
25 October 2018
Dick Jenkins is a fourth-generation rancher living in Oregon’s most remote county. I wanted to know why he continues living in a rural community, even though life elsewhere might be easier. “Taking care of [the land] is worth more than all the money in the world,” he told me. “Taking care of the

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